RVAA Event Recap

On May 12th, RVAA hosted a Roanoke Morning Perk at The Patrick Henry and our guest speaker was Pete Eschelman from the Roanoke Outside organization and he spoke to the group about how we can "sell" the community of Roanoke to prospective renters. We had a great turnout! Thank you to SAV-ELEC for sponsoring this meeting. 

On May 15th, we hosted an Economic Development Panel in Lynchburg. Our panelists included Marjette Upshur (Director of City of Lynchburg Economic Development Office), Mike Davidson (Director of Economic Development for Campbell County) and Barry Moore (VP of Outreach and Strategic Partnerships) and was moderated by Kyle Dorman who is the Community Manager at Walden Pond Apartments as well as a member of the RVAA Advisory Committee. This was a very successful event with 25 attendees, the highest we have had so far in this area. We began recruiting membership in Lynchburg last summer and attendance at these events has increased more and more each month. Thank you to The Vistas at Dreaming Creek for hosting this event and CORT Furniture for sponsoring and providing breakfast!

The 17th Annual Golf Tournament was May 27th and was a great success and a wonderful opportunity for networking and fun!  Pictures to follow in our next newsletter!