Top Ten Tips for Surviving Property Management

10. Don’t take things personally. How hard is it not to want to cry when the 50th resident has yelled at you in one day? But it’s not you they are frustrated with. We manage their HOMES. "Be it ever so humble, there’s no place" like it, so when something goes wrong in it, it is a big deal.

9. Be consistent. If you are doing something the same way every time, it is so much easier to run a property. Have a system in place for everything - walking units, filing paperwork, calling traffic, etc. and, here’s the key - follow your system!

8. Leave your work at work. I know it’s more than a job, but it IS a job. I know it’s hard to turn off, but having a work/life balance is healthy (see number 4).

7. Mingle with folks in the industry, they are the only ones who will get it. I think an industry event in which we compete for weirdest thing left in an apartment is an award winning idea, don't you?

6. Communicate, communicate, communicate. With your fellow staff members, with your residents, with your vendors, keep everyone in the loop about events at your property. No one likes that kind of surprise. You know - when the resident moves in early and you open the door and see stuff in the apartment you're showing. Yikes!

5. Have a to do list. Maybe two or three, and sometimes if you do something not on your list, write it down and cross it off. Trust me, it makes you feel good.

4. Take a lunch break or walk an apartment every day. You have got to get out of that office for just a few minutes. You will be a better person when you get back.

3. Get to know your residents as people, and let them know you. People need to know you care before you ask them for something or to do something.

2. Be a dependable team member. Everyone on your team has got to be all in for your community to run successfully. Do what you say you are going to do, for your residents and for your team members.

And the number one tip for surviving property management...
1. Have a sense of humor. If you can’t laugh, you will not survive this business.

Donje Putnam

Regional Property Manager

Signature Management Corp