March's HRAC Morning Coffee - The Power Close

March’s Morning Coffee was sponsored by Jenkins Restoration and graciously hosted by Monticello at Town Center Apartments in Hampton. This month’s topic was on The Power Close and we were fortunate to have Artcraft’s President Alethea Parker speaking on the subject. Alethea gave a very honest and perceptive look at what it takes to convert your traffic to leases at our communities and what will make you stand out from your competitors. Here is her takeaway from the discussion: While the traditional phrase, "Always Be Closing", can still be used today, we find that it is more important to approach it with the attitude to "Always Be Caring". If we take the time to find out the wants and needs of our prospects and find a way to match those to the amenities and benefits of our community, we show that we care and we begin a Relationship with the prospect that will help us Lease the apartment this year, and then Close on the Renewal next Year. There are many different types of closes that we can use, but most important is to simply ASK! 

Be sure to mark your calendars for this month’s Morning Coffee to be held at Streets of Greenbrier in Chesapeake on Friday, April 25th at 8:30 am. The topic will be Effectively Communicating with the Competition with a discussion to be led by our very own Patrick McCloud, Chief Executive Officer of VAMA so this is not to be missed! You can sign up by logging in at We look forward to seeing you there!