HRAC January Morning Coffee Recap

Once a month the local apartment industry has the opportunity to come together and network, share ideas, say hello to friends and drink some coffee. New topics are discussed at every event and this past month Jenkins Restoration sponsored the Morning Coffee held at Marcella at Town Center in Hampton who so very generously opened their clubhouse for HRAC and invited everyone to hear Drucker & Falk’s Debby Eure review the issue of Workplace Bullying. The topic was a relatively new one on a growing issue within our industry and one that is not widely discussed. Debby wanted to shed light on what constituted acts of bullying along with how it negatively impacts the workplace environment if allowed to continue. As leaders, it is very important that we take the time to ensure that we promote a supportive and safe atmosphere for our teams which in turn will bring about greater job satisfaction and productivity from our employees. Be sure to consider the delivery of our critiques on employee performance and remain a role model for others to look to emulate. The takeaway from Debby’s session was to be kind and always operate with the utmost professionalism. 

Did you miss January’s meeting? Be sure to join us Friday, February 21st at Meadowood Apartments in Norfolk from 8:30am-10am. You can sign up by logging in at We look forward to seeing you all there!