Regional Seminars Around the Corner

Since 2010, VAA and VDOT have hosted a series of asphalt seminars covering a range of topics. For 2019, the theme is Back to Basics. Presentations will cover Safety, Specifications, Milling, Tacking, Paving, Compaction and Density Testing along with Pavement Markings. 

VDOT presenters will highlight the inspection and specification points for each paving-related operation, while industry presenters will cover the basic principles needed to be successful for each operation.

Regional Seminars start on March 5 in Fredericksburg, move to Roanoke on March 13 and conclude in Richmond on March 19. Space is limited at each venue, so register today for the seminar in your area.

Registration is $85 per person and includes a morning snack and lunch.

Visit the VAA website to register and review the detailed agenda.