Germanna Takes Over Proficiency Testing

The ability to register for and complete proficiency testing through Germanna CC is now available. If you or someone who works for you has recently completed the Plant I, Plant II or Mix Design classes, there are proficiencies related to these courses that must be demonstrated before certification can be granted. The process to register for and complete proficiency testing for these classes is as follows:

Step 1: Register for desired proficiency on the Germanna website:  To locate the courses quickly, enter the following information in the "Search for Class" box:

Plant Level 1:  2140020
Plant Level 2:  2140019
Mix Design:  2140018
Step 2: A Germanna representative will contact you to provide you with a checklist of tasks that will be performed during testing.
Step 3: Once you feel comfortable with all the items on the checklist, you may contact Germanna at or call 540-891-3070 to schedule a date, time and location for your proficiency test.
Additional information for proficiency testing that you need to know:
Class       Cost          Testing Timeframe                    Special Instructions
Plant 1:$175.00; 1 hour – completed virtually; need access to am asphalt truck to pull a sample
Plant 2:$350.00; 4 hours – completed in a lab; must provide your own sample materials
Mix Design:$650.00; 8 hours – completed in a lab; must provide your own sample materials