Compost Communicator
From the Top of the Pile
Looking at the current political landscape, I can remember a time where things felt even more divided in American politics. I was born as a baby boomer around the time when the conflict in Vietnam started, and by the time I reached high school age, the war was in the news daily. People lined up taking strong positions on whether escalating the war by sending in more troops will help us win. Conversely, the anti-war movement was reaching a fever pitch. As a young man of draft age, it was difficult to go against supporting your country and choosing to fight versus supporting the anti-war movement and choosing peace. Now, we are in a similar position where our political party system has become the singularly defining identity a person can have. From masks and vaccines to war and healthcare, it seems like these days you can only be in one of two camps. If you have an opinion about one matter, people lump you in with all the other opinions associated with that single stance. We are shoehorned into thinking we can only be for or against a position.
I take solace in knowing that I work to represent an industry that genuinely bridges the left and the right and blue to red. We have members...
Proven Technology for Windrow Composting
Brown Bear Corporation®
Brown Bear’s aerator provides an economical solution for building windrows, blending bulking agents or additives, pulverizing, aerating and water mixing for aerobic composting. The machine’s reverse rotation works the complete windrow from the bottom up and to the side. This machine works directly into material forming it into a windrow. The design makes for ease of use and repair. The intermittent aerator flights are reversible, bolt-on, constructed from abrasion resistant carbon steel.
Click Here
The US Composting Council is excited to invite you to attend COMPOST2022, our 30th Annual Conference and Tradeshow. With over 90 speakers, the world's largest compost equipment demonstration, over 100 exhibitors, and multiple workshops and tours, COMPOST2022 will have something for everyone! There are just over 135 days until the return of the USCC's Annual Conference and Tradeshow. COMPOST2022 will be our 30th annual event. Click here to watch the video.

September 13, 2021 is the official launch for COMPOST2022 registration. USCC members get exclusive early access the lowest pricing available from now until December 2.
We hope to see you in Austin.

USCC’s Board of Directors has five seats open for Compost Manufacturer positions for 2021 (no affiliates are open this year).

Consider taking a leadership role in our organization; the board is key to the management and direction of the USCC. They are YOUR representatives within our organization, and YOU elect them to office.

See the requirements for eligibility here:

  1. Compost Manufacturer (bylaws definition): Compost Manufacturer Members shall be sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, government entities and/or cooperatives that actively and regularly engage in producing compost.
  2. Affiliate (bylaws definition): Affiliate Members shall be sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, government entities and/or cooperatives who supply equipment, supplies, marketing, and other services to the composting industry; and who are industrial, agricultural, commercial, and residential users and potential users of composting products; and who are trade associations; commodity organizations; governmental agencies; education and research institutions; state and local government entities; and other non-profit organizations with an interest in composting and compost manufacturing. This classification also includes those allied business enterprises that provide services to the composting industry, such as engineering, consulting, legal, financial, and other technical services
  3. Individual/student members are NOT eligible to run for the Board.

Interested in running? (See this page for more information about the Board). PLEASE give serious consideration to running or nominating a peer. Click here for more information about Board Roles and Responsibilities, and click here for the application, which is due September 15, 2021.

After a successful premiere episode of USCC’s “Compost is Dirty” webinar series this past May, a brand-new episode has been scheduled for September 21 at 2:30 p.m. EST. You won’t want to miss this live, compost-focused conversation with Frank Franciosi, Executive Director of USCC, and Todd Dunderdale, CCP™, Senior Area Sales Manager at Komptech Americas. These two compost professionals will meet online to hold an unscripted, open discussion on a variety of compost industry topics including challenges composters face today and what to look for in the future of commercial composting. Whether you’re a compost novice or a resident expert, roll up your sleeves and get ready to talk compost!
Over the summer we have had the pleasure of hosting a first-of-its-kind, compost manufacturer-focused event on Compostable Products. The conference wrapped up with a panel discussion of composters both for and against the proposition of accepting compostable products.
We also heard from Nora Goldstein of Biocycle Associates who has worked to develop the Decision Making Guide (DMG) for composters. This final version of the DMG is now live. Please take some time to review the DMG which can be found below.
If you missed the Composters Conference on Compostable Products and wish to view the recordings, anyone can purchase all three recordings via this link.
Do you know someone whose composting efforts are stellar?
Awards are given by the USCC to distinguish outstanding members of the composting community in a variety of industry categories. Let's honor creative and dedicated people in the composting industry. 
Nominate a deserving compost business/ individual/ compost program today!
(*Nominations must come from USCC members.) The awards will be presented at COMPOST2022, the Annual Conference and Trade Show in Austin, TX January 24-27, 2022. Come to the Conference and cheer on the 2021 compost champions!
Additional information and nomination forms are available on the USCC Awards webpage.
See past Award Winners HERE.
Note: you will be asked to create a FREE ACCOUNT before proceeding through the form.
Tom is the General Manager for Sevier Solid Waste, Inc., a solid waste authority that serves the waste disposal needs for the Cities of Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, Sevierville and Sevier County. He earned a Bachelor’s degree from East Tennessee State University and holds compost management, manager of landfill operations, solid waste management and transfer station certifications from SWANA and the State of Tennessee.
He started working for SSWI in 1999 and is currently responsible for managing over 500 tons of MSW per day at a MSW co-composting facility. He also manages a Recycling facility, a Class I Landfill, and a Class III Landfill. He is the founder of the local Keep America Beautiful Affiliate, Keep Sevier Beautiful, and still serves on the Board of Directors.
The COMPOST2022 Tradeshow currently 50% SOLD OUT. COMPOST2022 will allow you to market to 800+ member organizations and potential customers representing more than 2,100 individuals. You will be able to engage with the 900+ daily visitors to the trade show. If you are interested in exhibiting at COMPOST2022, now is the time to signup for a booth as they are selling out quickly. 
Beth Fly
Exhibit & Event Manager
Heritage Bag Company
Members of the USCC can now enroll in a rewards program for advocacy actions. This member benefit is an exciting extension of our expanding advocacy efforts. You can get points for testifying, writing letters, emailing your representatives, posting on social media and more. Just snap a screenshot or picture and upload it to this advocacy reporting form. Once you reach specific point levels we will mail you your rewards.
Edge Innovate (NI) Ltd.®
The VS420 twin shaft design coupled with fuel efficiency and intelligent tramp metal detection ensures that the EDGE VS420  is easy to maintain, provides maximum uptime and provides a quick return on investment. At the heart of the EDGE VS420 are twin, high torque shredder shafts that can be customised to suit a customer's exact application requirements. EDGE's next generation shredder offers high capacity shredding, reliability and low operational costs.
At this past month's Tennessee Chamber of Commerce, the newest state chapter of the US Composting Council, launched. The Tennessee Composting Council was created to advance compost manufacturing, compost utilization, and backyard composting to benefit our members, society, and the environment. Represented by members of Eco-Products, Sevier Solid Waste Inc, the Tennessee Environmental Council, Solid Waste Directors, The Compost Fairy, and TDEC’s Solid Waste Division, the board is made up of established compost advocates. Tennessee Composting Council’s mission is to: "divert as much organic waste from landfills as we can by hosting events, workshops, webinars, quarterly meetings, as well as lobbying, and promoting educational and outreach resources to normalize composting."
Member Benefits
The first 30 USCC members who sign up for COMPOST2022 will receive a free COMPOST2022 T-shirt in Austin, TX. This is our 30th annual conference and tradeshow, and we are so thrilled to be back in person. This unisex Texas orange T-shirt will have the COMPOST2022 logo on the front and the back that the back of the T-shirt will list the USCC’s historical conference locations. 

Sign up today and claim this exclusive offer. After 30 members claim the free T-shirts, you can purchase the T-shirt during the registration process for $18.50 online until December 28, 2021 or in-person at the conference for $25. 
REOTEMP Instruments
Quarterly meeting: The YPG quarterly meeting is going to be held on October 13 at 12 p.m. EST time. Click the link here to join. If you would like to attend the quarterly meetings and update yourself on what’s happening with on the YP front contact Kristine Ellsworth, steering Committee Chair
Grab a drink, relax and chit chat with the fun group. YPHH is on the 15th of this month from 7 to 8 p.m. ET with a special focus on mentoring program. David Gavlick from St. Louis Composting will be there to talk about his mentoring experience and inputs for upcoming young professional in the industry. Contact Coryanne Mansell and Leilani Ching to know more about YP happy hour.
Mark your calendar and save the date.
Passcode: YPHH
World Centric® has announced today the addition of tree-free paper cold cups to its NoTree™ collection of 100% compostable hot cups and bowls for the foodservice industry. The new cold cups are made from sustainably-sourced bamboo paper that provides a high quality, environmentally friendly alternative to cold cups made from wood paper and petroleum plastic.
Available nationwide in September, the NoTree cold cup line includes 12, 16 and 22 ounce cup sizes that conform to ASTM D6400 Standard for compostability, are BPI Certified and meet FDA guidelines for food use. Additional features include:
MINNETONKA, Minn., August 9, 2021 – Continuing its global manufacturing expansion plan, NatureWorks, the world’s leading manufacturer of low-carbon polylactic acid (PLA) biopolymers made from renewable resources, has obtained final authorization from parent companies, GC International Corporation Company Limited, a subsidiary of PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (GC) and Cargill Incorporated (Cargill), to build a new Ingeo™️ PLA manufacturing complex in Thailand. NatureWorks plans to invest in excess of $600 million to construct the complex, which will include production sites for lactic acid, lactide, and polymer, making it the world’s first PLA facility designed to be fully integrated.

“Thanks to the ongoing support of our parent companies, our plans for a second Ingeo PLA manufacturing location continue to progress,” said Rich Altice, President and CEO of NatureWorks. “This authorization was an important milestone that ensures we will be ready to begin construction in 2022 on an integrated manufacturing complex that will help us address the increasing global market demand for sustainable materials.”
The International Awards Committee and Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) Board of Directors unanimously voted to honor Tom Conrad, the “C” in SCS, with the Robert L. Lawrence Distinguished Service Award at WASTECON 2021 in November. The Lawrence award is the highest accolade SWANA bestows on a memberof the waste management industry, reserved for those making meaningful and lasting contributions.

“I’m honored and humbled to be selected for the Robert L. Lawrence Award. I thank you and am especially thankful for what SWANA and SCS are today,” stated Tom Conrad.

Get your hands on the latest in compost and sustainability jobs by taking a look at the job postings from our member organizations on our website. Plus, your membership gives you the benefit of posting jobs on our Career Center for free. It's easy, so why not take advantage of it?
How to post a job on the USCC website:
Step 1: In your membership account go to Account Settings
Step 2: Click Content & Features
Step 3: Submit an Opening
Have questions? Contact Gowri Sundaram at
Title: Administrative Assistant.
Start Date: October 18, 2021/ASAP.
Duration: One year contract with potential for extension of an additional year.
Primary tasks include:

• Increase membership revenue,
• Coordinate sponsorships of webinars and events,
• Apply for grants,
• Coordinate Plate to Garden events,
• Social Media/Newsletter/Website, and,
• Scheduling (attending and taking notes) committee meetings and board meetings.
Questions? Email
Since offering educational opportunities is a key part of the CREF mission, the Foundation is currently working towards offering a variety of trainings and courses online. But don’t worry, the Foundation is still going to continue to hold the popular Compost Operations Training Courses (COTC) and other trainings on-site. The new online courses will be in addition to the traditional CREF trainings. The Trustees and staff are currently putting together a list of possible trainings to develop. That’s where you come in. We’d like to hear your suggestions on what trainings, workshops, and short courses you would like to see offered in the future. Your input will be valuable as we gather together a list of possible courses to create in the short and long-term. Send any suggestions to
The two contests have started. Send in your poster design today or if you know someone ages 10-13, let them know about the video contest. Learn more about the contests and how to enter
USCC Member Cedar Grove's compost was used in a biofiltration study by Washington State University in conjunciton with the King County WaterWorks Grant Program. Untreated urban stormwater runoff impairs water quality and is acutely toxic to Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) (Scholz et al. 2011, McIntyre et al. 2018, Chow et al. 2019) and other aquatic species (McIntyre et al. 2015). Modeling studies suggest that Coho Salmon mortalities from stormwater runoff contribute to population declines throughout the Puget Sound region (Spromberg & Scholz 2011). Treating runoff through simple biofiltration media can eliminate these toxic effects (McIntyre et al. 2014, Spromberg et al. 2016, McIntyre et al. 2015). However, finding locations to install biofiltration facilities in urban areas can be challenging and expensive. Novel solutions are needed for reducing the impact of stormwater runoff on receiving waters.

Retrofit of existing untreated areas, beyond redevelopment projects, has been suggested as an important next step towards reducing stormwater impacts to Puget Sound. Demonstrating a simple method of implementing stormwater quality treatment retrofits will benefit the natural environment for all aquatic species and enhance the quality of life for all residents well into the future.
Upcoming Events
Sep 2021
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will host a virtual roundtable on September 15 (11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. EDT) titled Exploring Food Waste Solutions: Success Stories from the U.S. and Beyond, to showcase innovative policies and approaches to reducing food waste in the United States, Europe, and the United Kingdom. "Food loss and waste reduction is an international priority – the United Nations has set a goal to cut food waste in half by 2030 as well as reduce food loss earlier in the supply chain," said USDA Food Loss and Waste Liaison Jean Buzby. "The United States also has a national goal to reduce food loss and waste by 2030. It’s important to share the work of the people and organizations who are making this goal a reality in their communities."
Sep 2021
Are you ready for the second episode of "Compost Is Dirty" webinar? After a successful premiere episode this past May, a brand-new episode has been scheduled for September 21 at 2:30 p.m. EST! You won’t want to miss this live, compost-focused conversation with Frank Franciosi, Executive Director of US Composting Council and Todd Dunderdale CCP Dunderdale, CCP™, Senior Area Sales Manager at Komptech Americas. These two compost professionals will meet online to hold an unscripted, open discussion on a variety of compost industry topics including challenges composters face today and what to look for in the future of commercial composting. ⠀
Oct 2021
Oct 2021
Oct. 18-22, 2021: This hybrid course combines both virtual classroom and hands-on instruction to meet Washington Administrative Code 173-350-220 requirements for compost facilities. While other online compost facility trainings are available be aware that not all of them include hands-on training. WORC’s instruction is designed to be engaging, comprehensive and meet Washington state requirements.
Nov 2021
This course is for anyone who wants in-depth instruction on the art and science of commercial scale compost production including: compost operators, environmental and agricultural consultants, local and state regulators, equipment vendors and more.
Nov 2021
Friday, November 12, 2021 Nationwide 4H Center, Columbus, Ohio
Jan 2022
January 24-27, 2022: The nation's largest conference for composters featuring nationally recognized speakers, top of the line equipment and training, and a massive demo day. This will be the 30th annual conference and tradeshow for the USCC and we are going big in Austin, Texas.