Reach Out and Lobby - Easy Legislative Lobbying Coming This Year!

The USCC is "upping our game” when it comes to the ability for you and fans of composting and organics recycling to reach out to legislators and regulators. We have just signed on to pilot a new advocacy software, Capitol Canary (formerly called Phone2Action), a direct result of USCC member dues support.
Capitol Canary will allow USCC and our chapters to quickly catalyze large numbers of people to reach out to support, oppose or otherwise communicate to legislators and regulators  This is done by clicking on a link that will be on USCC’s website, filling out a form and, (preferably!) writing a few personal lines about your support for the bill or industry. You’ll hear about these opportunities through action alerts from USCC!
For an example of how it feels, take a look at an action alert from Solar Energy Industries Association, another organization using Capitol Canary.