Industry News
While traditionalists may prefer to strictly prohibit employee summer vacations, more and more contractors are opting to offer time off, albeit with certain restrictions and limitations.
Issues surrounding immigration have been a focal point for employers since the 1986 passage of the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA). The effects of that law and its requirements have made the hiring process a source of major concern for many employers. It also created a risk of legal liability that did not previously exist. Those concerns and risks are even greater today given the highly publicized focus on illegal immigration from the Trump administration.
Question: I have an employee who fell without a witness. We sent him right to occupational health for treatment. Our policy is any accident you automatically get a drug test. We have a company-wide random drug test policy and pre-employment test which he passed. He refused the test because he felt sick. He finally took the test seven days later and it came back positive.
We will soon be implementing pre-employment online onboarding. As such, individuals who have accepted an offer for employment but are not yet employed will complete pre-employment paperwork including I-9, W-4, etc. on a one-time basis. They will also familiarize themselves with a few select policies. The paperwork is not burdensome. They can complete the paperwork on their own time at home and at any time prior to their first day. The paperwork is not part of the worker's assigned job duties. Do the soon-to-be employees need to be compensated for the time it takes for them to complete the paperwork?
Are you investing in your organization or just enjoying the milk?
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Presenting Viega PureFlow® System
This PureFlow PEX is more than meets the eye. It’s been specially designed for commercial and residential builders. It’s a higher density PEX with the highest possible chlorine/UV resistance rating. Viega PureFlow System installs in a fraction of time compared to alternatives. It’s the amazingly reliable. The incredibly efficient. A modern feat of German engineering. It’s the one, the only Viega PureFlow System. Viega. Connected in quality.
Learn more.
Bradford White Corporation
Federated Insurance
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