Thank You to Our Associate Members:

As part of our efforts during TIA Member Appreciation Month, we want to take this opportunity to thank our Associate Members, those providing 3PLs with the industry-leading services and solutions they rely on to grow their brokerages. Representing nearly 10% of TIA’s overall membership, Associate Members play a vital role in supporting TIA and its efforts to serve 3PLs of all sizes. THANK YOU for your membership, and we look forward to working together in the years to come as we grow this influence of our incredible industry!

We also want to recognize our Director’s Circle members, those Associate Members who have made additional financial and other commitments to the Association and serve on the TIA Board of Directors. Members of the TIA Director’s Circle are instrumental to the further advancement and development of TIA and play a crucial role in supporting the ongoing educational, advocacy, and professional development initiatives of the Association.

2021 TIA Director’s Circle Members: Avalon Risk Management | DAT | Descartes Systems (USA,) LLC | Lean Solutions Group | McLeod Software | Roanoke Insurance Group | Trimble, Inc. | TriumphPay | Trucker Tools LLC |