TONL Monthly
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March 2021
TONL News & Updates
Cynthia Plonien DNP, RN, CENP
Chair, TONL Communications Committee
Texas - Feb 15, 2021: A historic winter storm hit the state with bitter cold, heavy snow and ice. Power grid failures caused millions of residents to lose electricity for days. Every county in the state was affected – losing heat, light, communications – phone, internet, TV, as well as access to food and water. Health care facilities faced external as well as internal disaster. Without power, essential medical services were halted in clinics. Durable medical equipment was lost in homes. While most hospitals were on power grids supporting electricity, utility providers were not – affecting hospital communications as well as the use of water. The financial costs and resulting morbidity and mortality related to the power outages is yet unknown.
By Serena Bumpus, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Director of Practice, Texas Nurses Association
Region 7 Director
CTONL President
The week of December 14th, 2020, gave nurses the first glimpse of hope at fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare organizations across the state received first round doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, and healthcare workers began to receive their first dose of what many considered the beginning to an end. Social media was flooded with nurses and other healthcare providers getting their vaccine with the hashtag “This is my shot.” Many saw the COVID-19 vaccine as our shot of hope toward regaining some sense of normalcy.
Nursing Leadership
HealthLeaders Media
Helping younger nurses cope with the COVID-19 pandemic can require a somewhat different approach.
Emerging RN Leader
Social rituals like celebrating important events together can be an important part of group cohesion.
A number of national nursing organizations have joined forces as members of the National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing.
For the latest news from the Nurses on Boards Coalition, visit
Sitter costs up yet patient falls not coming down?
CareView Communications, Inc.
At CareView, our mission is simple: Promote fall prevention in hospitals, reduce sitter costs, lower patient falls and inspire a culture of always-on safety in every hospital and facility leveraging the CareView Patient Safety System. Clients using the CareView Patient Safety System have reported a 65% reduction in sitter costs. Our patented predictive patient monitoring system is proven to reduce patient falls by up to 80%.
Click here to learn more
Are you interested in getting involved on the TONL Board, or do you know someone who is? TONL is soliciting nominations through Friday, March 26, 2021, for the following positions:

Treasurer – (2 year term)
District 1 Director – (2 year term)
District 3 Director – (2 year term)
District 5 Director – (2 year term)
District 7 Director – (2 year term)

We invite member input on identifying qualified and motivated nominees and encourage each TONL member to consider serving as a Board member or officer to help TONL remain vital and prosperous.

Nomination Deadline: Friday, March 26, 2021. Voting Period: June 1 - June 15, 2021. Terms begin September 1, 2021.

*You will need to log into the TONL website to access the nominations form. Please contact TONL Headquarters if you need help accessing your account at

Submit a Nomination:
District Map:
Part Two: The Promise for the Betterment of Health
Vice President & Associate Chief Nursing Officer, University Health
Director, District 8, Texas Organization for Nursing Leadership
In Part One of this article on The moral determinants of health: Purpose, promise, and propositions (Tuazon, 2021), the focus of the discussion was on aligning the work of healthcare professionals and providers with purpose. I presented the background and traced the development of the moral determinants of health. I focused on moral theories as a framework for determining the purpose of the moral determinants of health. In this Part Two, I will explore the promise of the moral determinants of health in conjunction with the social determinants of health. Specifically, I will explore whether the moral determinants of health intersect with the social determinants of health or if they are considered an evolution.
Reprinted with permission from the American Holistic Nurses Association, Copyright 2018.
Nurses are perceived as vulnerable to emotional stress in the workplace. It's not uncommon to find ourselves attempting to connect our emotions and feelings to circumstances and/or the behavior of others around us. But, isn't it true, if we honestly consider our actual experience, that all of our feelings are generated from within? When we see this clearly, it dissolves the illusory source of our stress and anxiety, and, along with it, the distress itself.

This is the direct way of revealing our ever-present resilience.
Education and Events
Created by and for nurse leaders throughout the state of Texas, the TONL Annual Conference offers informative educational sessions on topics important in today's healthcare environment, CNE credit hours, interaction with industry-leading providers, the opportunity to connect and share best practices with fellow nurse leaders and more.

This year's conference will be held virtually and we are excited about the use of new technology to continue to deliver quality educational and networking opportunities to our members! Visit the link below to view rates and secure your spot. Early registration has been extended through March 19, 2021.

Vocera Communications, Inc.
Pegasus Medical Concepts
Healthcare Industry
New data shows that enrollment in baccalaureate nursing programs jumped by almost 6% last year.
Lone Star Communications, Inc.®
Our Products & Services:
• Reduce work & stress
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• Help increase HCAHPS scores
• Improve Nurse Sensitive Indicators
Click here to learn more
Practice and Patient Care
People with chronic pain conditions who have taken opioids responsibly for years are suddenly being forced to reduce or taper off their medications due to the opioid crisis.
Minority Nurse
Tips nurses have shared for dealing with stress include journaling and acknowledging one's limits.
Visual Health Systems
IDSolutions, Inc.
Members in the News
Join us in welcoming the following 12 new members:
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