Thank You to Our TONL Heroes!

In this Year of the Nurse 2020 and in the midst of this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, TONL is thrilled to recognize the many heroes making a difference in your organizations.  These TONL heroes demonstrate selfless dedication and commitment to their profession in the most difficult of circumstances.  Thank you for all you are doing on the front lines of the COVID-19 response!

Tammy Clements            
Infection Control Employee Health RN  
Hereford Regional Medical Center

Tammy has done an exemplary job dealing with this pandemic. She has worked many hours to notify members of our community of their test results and educate the public on quarantining and social distance protocols. She has developed great working relationships with the state epidemiologist and implemented policy and procedures within our organization weeks ahead of the state. She is a wealth of knowledge and a huge asset to HRMC.

Learn more about the many amazing TONL Heroes at

Please consider nominating a TONL at