A Top Down-Bottom Up and Everything in Between Approach to Addressing Workplace Bullying and Incivility

By Renee Thompson, DNP, RN, CMSRN, CSP, CEO and founder of the Healthy Workforce Institute

What do you do if you’re a healthcare executive and your recent turnover data indicates a bullying and incivility problem? Do you sigh and say, “Well. That’s just the way it’s always been?” Do you call a mandatory meeting with your leaders and tell them to “fix this problem” or else?

Perhaps you know you have a problem but don’t know where to start, so you do nothing or worse, bring everyone together for one workshop on bullying and incivility (check).

We can do better.

A nurse executive received feedback during exit interviews, that 50 percent of his newest nurses where leaving because of bullying & incivility. He reached out to his CNO colleagues and asked if bullying and incivility were a problem in their organization. 100 percent said it was. When he asked if any of them had a strategy to address the problem, 100 percent said they didn’t.

According to a study conducted by the Workplace Bullying Institute, only 6 percent of leaders identify addressing bullying & incivility as a top priority. However, study after study shows the detrimental effects bullying has on the overall health of an organization.

Tackling a problem that’s been swept under the carpet for decades can feel like an overwhelming burden but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you really want to create and sustain a professional work environment by eliminating bullying and incivility, you need to adopt a top-down, bottom-up, and everything in between approach.

Strengthen Organizational Structure (Top-Down)
The ultimate goal is to create an environment that fosters teamwork, honest and respectful communication, and professional practice in order to retain the best employees who deliver the best care. This requires hardwiring strategies that address disruptive behaviors into the organization.

Equip Front-Line Leaders (In-Between)
Organizations need to do a much better job equipping front-line leaders with the essential skills they need to set behavioral expectations and hold their people accountable. If you’re only able to implement one strategy to eradicate bullying and incivility, focus on your front-line leaders.

Empower Employees (Bottom-Up)
If you truly want to create a professional, nurturing, and supportive work culture, you can’t just gather a group of leaders and then sit around the table talking about strategies. You must include front line staff.

If you truly want to cultivate a culture that rejects any incidence of bullying and incivility and promotes professionalism, it can’t just be “sign this code of conduct (note: signing a piece of paper doesn’t change behavior) or a one-time in-service on bullying. You can’t check a check box when it comes to transforming the way people treat each other. Changing a culture requires organizational by in, leadership development, and employee involvement.

Renee Thompson is the CEO and founder of the Healthy Workforce Institute and works with healthcare organizations to cultivate a professional workforce by addressing workplace bullying and incivility. She offers a cadre of services from online programs, workshops and leadership coaching to on-site and virtual assessments and deep-dive consulting. To learn more about The Healthy Workforce Institute, go to www.healthyworkforceinstitute.com.


Etienne, E. (2014). Exploring Workplace Bullying in Nursing. Workplace Health & Safety, 62(1), 6-11. doi: 10.3928/21650799-20131220-02

Townsend, T. (2012). Break the Bullying Cycle. American Nurse Today. 7(1). 12-15  http://www.americannursetoday.com/article.aspx?id=8648

Workplace Bullying Institute. Workplace Bullying from the Perspective of U.S. Business Leaders. http://workplacebullying.org/multi/pdf/2013-WBI-Z-BL.pdf