TONL Monthly
April 2020

Post-Conference Thank You

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Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for attending the Texas Organization for Nursing Leadership (TONL) conference. Your support for our conference and sponsors consistently generates an early sell out of available seats and sponsor space.

Based on the positive comments I heard, I would rate this conference as one of the best. Certainly, we can all identify with the many crises in our healthcare setting and issues we face in nursing leadership. The presentations were full of tactics to help us respond to those challenges, reflect on our nursing leadership skills, and understand how we influence others.

Please take the time for a quick read through the summaries provided to refresh your memory of the presentations and compare with your notes. We find that the summaries help to solidify your learning and create a personal action plan as a result your conference attendance.

We are also appreciative of Texas Health Presbyterian and their continuous support of TONL. Their generosity to provide the Folsom Center free of charge always helps to balance the other costs associated with the conference.

We are duplicating this conference in Houston this year, and this will be the first year of many more. This strategy should help our South Texas members and nurses attend our conference with less travel.

Our communities trust nurses and the care we provide. I believe this conference has and will continue to provide the information needed to assure nurses maintain their “most trusted profession” status.

Kind Regards,
Dr. Tim Howell DNP, RN, CENP
President, TONL


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