Save the date for TMRA's 2023 Annual Meeting! The event will take place Oct. 15-17 at the Hotel Grand Galvez in Galveston, Texas.
Why should mining matter to you and to all Texans? Mining plays a vital role in the production of the goods, services and infrastructure that collectively define the high standards of living we have come to enjoy as Americans. Download our helpful infographic to learn more about this essential industry.
Industry News
"Coal power plants are one of our most dependable and affordable sources of electricity. Unfortunately, EPA's proposed carbon rule is at least the third rule EPA has issued within less than two years that is designed specifically to cause the premature closure of coal power plants," says Michelle Bloodworth, President and CEO of America's Power. Last week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) was on Capitol Hill, warning of dire grid reliability consequences from the accelerating loss of essential coal capacity. "Texas wants to be able to be self-reliant, not dependent upon any foreign hostile nation for what we need. We need lithium," Governor Greg Abbott said at the opening ceremony. TMRA News
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We are always looking to share news that is relevant and timely for TMRA members. If you have a submission and would like more information on deadlines, the type of content we are looking for and how to submit an idea, please reach out to Senior Content Strategist at rryals@naylor.com! |