Science Teacher Expresses Gratitude for Mine Tour in Kosse Texas

Science Teacher Expresses Gratitude for Mine Tour in Kosse Texas

I would like to submit this letter of commendation for the operators and staff of the Kosse Coal Mine in Kosse, Texas.

Through a science teacher workshop, sponsored by the Texas Mining and Reclamation Association (TMRA), I was able to tour the Kosse Mine during the week of July 22, 2019. Participants of the workshop were trained in the use of and provided PPE before engaging in the activities at the mine. Participants were instructed in the processes of coal mining and land reclamation. We were able to tour and physically see the processes of mining and land reclamation at the Kosse Coal Mine.

I wanted you to know how impressed I was with this mine operation. I have never been to or seen a coal mine. I am a science teacher for grades 9-12. I am adjunct faculty for Lone Star College, instructing in courses in Environmental Science.

Due to this unique opportunity, provided by TMRA, I have had a paradigm shift in my opinions of the environmental impacts of strip mining of coal and hope to share the correct information of the pristine operations and environmental stewardship in mine reclamation of land mined. I am astounded by the number of agencies that are constant and consistent in monitoring the plant operations. I am more impressed with the standards that the Kosse Mine meets, and that they are in excess of those required.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have attended the TMRA Resources and the Environment workshop. Now, an informed citizen, I hope to dispel misinformation about land reclamation and will be an advocate for the processes involved in obtaining mining permits, and operations of coal mining and land reclamation.

Christine Adair Tremonte