Hello TMEPA members! Can you believe it has been a little over a week since we ended our Annual Meeting & 50th Anniversary? For those of you who attended the event, you know how special it was -- easily our best Meeting yet. Not only were we in a great location, in Nashville at the fabulous Omni Hotel, but we had our largest attendance to date, the highest number of exhibitors and sponsors, and special events that provided a memorable experience for all. Plus, some of our most exciting and informative speakers ever.

We thank each and every one of you for your participation. We hope that you all went home with new connections from the many networking opportunities, new ideas to help make your pubic power system the best it can be, and knowledge on what has helped TMEPA stand the test of time.

We are so excited for the next 50 years as we continue to work together to protect Tennessee's public power for the invaluable resource it is. This wrap-up has highlights from the Meeting as well as a few special surprises. We hope this newsletter was helpful to both those onsite and those following from home.

It takes all of us working together and learning from each other to continue in this great industry. Thank you to everyone who is a part of this journey!