Farewell to All - Mike Vinson

Farewell to All
By Mike Vinson 

This past Annual Meeting was my final meeting with TMEPA. July 28th will be my last day. I can't begin to express my thanks to each of you for making these past years such a delight for my wife and I. When we came to TMEPA in 2003, I truly thought I was simply changing jobs and going on to the next position. Little did I realize that this would become our home in every way.

Our first annual meeting was in Memphis at the Peabody. It was fitting that our last would be there also.  On this journey, I met so many who became my friends that I simply lost count. The "job" became more like a ministry and each day was another opportunity to learn, to work with, work for and help someone. Of course, I received far more and will forever remain in your debt.  

Christine and I are currently constructing our retirement home on top of Jasper Mountain, Jasper, TN. The house is about 60% completed at this time and we hope to move in late August or early September. We'll be just off I-24 at the South Pittsburg exit so if you drive by, don't hesitate to drop-in. Be prepared to drive up a 12% grade though. The view is wonderful.  
Again, thanks for giving us this opportunity to serve, to get to know you, to make so many friends. Stay in touch, Susan will have all our contact information during the transition to Jasper Mountain. May God Bless you and return to you tenfold what  you have so generously given to us.
Mike Vinson is set to retire at the end of July after fourteen years as the Executive Director of TMEPA.