TACIR Submits Draft Broadband Report

Two weeks ago on Monday, December 4, TACIR met once again to discuss broadband in Tennessee, but this time commission members and the public saw the results of over a year and a half of work by TACIR staff in the form of a draft report that is slated to receive final approval in late January.
The 147-page report covers a lot of ground while looking into three main areas: broadband currently offered, broadband adoption, and current programs to assist with both. The report provides extremely detailed information and data, including the broadband survey that was completed by the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development earlier this year. After evaluating the data and broadband landscape in Tennessee, the draft report makes several recommendations and findings:
The report touched on many of the common issues that come up regarding broadband, including pole attachments. The report grudgingly acknowledges TVA’s role as the regulatory authority over pole attachments, and finds that "Tennessee likely lacks authority to override TVA’s formula according to a 2014 opinion by the state’s attorney general."
As the legislature comes into session next month, it goes without saying the TACIR report may be a key consideration for some legislators. This draft report will likely be discussed and acted upon at the next TACIR meeting January 26-27. The governor’s office is still discussing whether to introduce legislation on broadband and what will be in the legislation if it does, and we have heard rumors there may be several bills filed on this topic.
The draft report and executive summary can be found here. A link to the video of the meeting is on the site, and the documents related to broadband are under Tab 3. There you will find the executive summary, the draft report, and fourteen appendices, four of which deal with TVA and pole attachments. If you have any questions, need more information, or have comments on anything in the report, please let us know.