Municipal Broadband Bill Update

Next month when the legislature reconvenes, the battle over expanding municipal electric broadband in Tennessee will also resume. It’s been a busy off season on TMEPA’s bill, with some goings-on happening around the bill.

The most noteworthy development came through the study by TACIR into broadband in Tennessee. After the October TACIR hearing, TMEPA staff and others have been following up with TACIR staff on lingering issues as it prepares a preliminary report on broadband to be released in January. The full report is scheduled to be completed by the end of March.

Also in the off season coordination has gone on with other interest groups that support TMEPA’s bill, with more coming on board which we hope to announce soon. As more groups support the bill, momentum continues to grow toward passage, with last year’s support from Tennessee Farm Bureau giving the bill a big boost with many legislators.

TMEPA again has retained Bivens and Associates, a lobbying firm with decades of combined experience working the halls of Legislative Plaza. They were a huge boost last session to help combat the small army of lobbyists from the incumbent providers. Lobbyists representing individual systems and TN-FOC will again coordinate to achieve passage of municipal electric broadband expansion.

Months of work over the legislative off season will come to an end, with the most effective being the regular conversations our managers have with their legislators. TMEPA always appreciates its member systems, but we particularly appreciate the relationships they have with their legislators. These relationships can provide the biggest boost with individual legislators, and without them our job in Nashville would be so much harder. We’ll keep you posted on things as they develop.