TAHFM Member Spotlight – Christopher Herndon

Christopher Herndon
Texas Health Resources Dallas Presbyterian Hospital
(972) 974-3688

I'm scheduled to take my CHC exam later this month, many thanks to Mike Hatton!

How has TAHFM/ASHE contributed to your career?
It has given me the opportunity to network with other healthcare professionals and gain insight to the latest updates from TJC.

What is your background in the healthcare facilities field?
I've worked in healthcare facility maintenance for over 20 years.

Tell us a Personal Tidbit.
I love sporting clays and golf in my spare time when I am not spending time with my family.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
The challenges we are presented with each day!

What are your plans for future growth?
Continue to learn the latest best practices from my colleagues in TAHFM.

Read about our previous Member Spotlights.