ICRA Construction in Healthcare Training | June 15-16, 2022 | Las Cruces, NM

IFMA New Mexico and TAHFM would like to invite you to an ICRA Training for Construction in Healthcare! The first day will be an ICRA I construction in healthcare facilities workshop. On the second day, the presenter will cover advanced construction in healthcare facilities with an emphasis on resources to help attain the AHA Certified Healthcare Constructor Certification. Attendees of the training will be welcome to join us for an evening reception on Wednesday, June 15, so you can network and share stories with peers and colleagues from both organizations. One and Two Day Workshop options available.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022 – Construction in Healthcare Facilities

Learning Objectives: To obtain a complete understanding of the Infection Control Risk Assessment Program required to complete work in a hospital as well as the necessary means to maintain compliance with Joint Commission, DNV, and the National Fire Protection Association Standards during the construction process. Ideal For: Frontline Facility Staff & Supervisors, Construction Superintendents, Contractors serving healthcare facilities, Infection Preventionist

Thursday, June 16, 2022 - Advanced Construction in Healthcare Facilities

Learning Objectives:  To obtain a complete understanding of the construction and maintenance process as it pertains to codes, facility management, publications, and advanced knowledge of Infection Control Risk Assessments when performing work in/on a healthcare facility. Ideal For: Facility Managers and Directors, Construction Project Managers, Design Architects & Engineers

For a full agenda and registration and sponsorship info, please visit https://www.tahfm.org/event/ICRATrainingJune22Registration