Chiropractic Register
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Generally Speaking
Once again, Team TCA took the field to battle for the chiropractic profession. Once again, the TMA is challenging YOUR right to diagnose, but this time they are challenging the state's definition of musculoskeletal and subluxation because they include reference to the nerves. TCA will submit its final arguments next week in preparation for a final hearing. We continue to raise funds to cover the cost of legal expenses from this latest attack from TMA. For those who have donated to TCA’s Chiropractic Development Initiative (CDI), thank you! If you haven’t helped yet, there’s still time on the clock to make a monthly, quarterly or a one-time donation. But let’s not wait; get in the game now. Donate today!
TCA is offering its own back-to-school special for Texas DCs. If you register by phone at (512) 477-9292, the cost for these seminars is only $100 – nearly half off the registration price. You must register by Thursday, Aug. 18. Check out TCA’s one-day seminars for the answers you need.
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Dr. Mark Bronson as the presiding officer of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Bronson, Dr. Nicholas "Nick" Baucum, and Gus Ramirez were appointed to the TBCE for terms to expire on Feb. 1, 2021.
TCA has received inquiries from members about a survey sent from the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission to DCs regarding the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners (TBCE). TCA encourages those who have received this email to respond to the survey with candid, professional feedback. The deadline for your comments is Friday, Aug. 12, so please return the survey  today. As always, TCA encourages DCs to be ambassadors for the chiropractic profession.
SGR, MACRA, PQRS and other Medicare acronyms make it easy to get confused. Need help in decoding just what it is that Medicare wants? Then attend this Sep. 24 seminar at the Texas Chiropractic College.
Researchers report that only about 30% of the eligible Medicare population made use of the Medicare annual wellness visit in 2015.
Keeping Your Table in Tip-Top Shape
Pivotal Health Solutions
Here at Pivotal Health Solutions, we are passionate about proper care and maintenance of your PHS state-of-the-art chiropractic table. With a rock-solid maintenance program and the durable construction of our tables, your Pivotal Health Solutions Chiropractic table will be reliable for many years to come.
Ever since the passage of Medicare, it has been impossible to separate medicine from congressional politics. Decisions made by the overseers at those programs affect medical and chiropractic practice every day. Ever since the passage of the first valid Chiropractic Act in Texas, it has also been impossible to separate chiropractic from state legislative politics; decisions by state agencies affect chiropractic practice every day.
The TBCE will meet Thursday, Aug. 18, in Austin for its regular board meeting.
Access 2 Integration
FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, MD accepted some blame for the agency’s role in the growing opioid epidemic while also chiding drug manufacturers for failing to take action. Califf said he's spoken with R&D directors at most of the big drug companies and none have shown interest in investing in research on new non-addictive painkillers.
National Chiropractic Health Month in October helps to raise public awareness of the benefits of chiropractic care and its patient-centered and drug-free approach to health and wellness. It’s important for healthcare consumers to understand that chiropractic services are an important first line of defense against pain and may in some cases lessen or eliminate the need for over-the-counter and prescription painkillers.
DC2017, the combined meetings of four national chiropractic organizations will be held in Washington, D.C. on March 15-18, 2017. The chiropractic program that features compelling scientific research, global perspectives on the future of the profession, and inspirational sessions delivered by the profession’s thought leaders and content experts. Hosted by the American Chiropractic Association, DC2017 will deliver a program that features everything you need to IMPACT SPINAL HEALTH in your office.
Drucker Labs
PEMF / The Edwards Group
Chiropractic News
The Texas Medical Association (TMA) is continuing its over-a-century-long quest to eliminate the chiropractic profession. The TCA and its legal team continue to intervene on behalf of the chiropractic profession. The latest TMA lawsuit was heard August 2 in Austin. Here is a not-so-brief synopsis of this 120+ year old legal battle in Texas.
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Greens First
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Business Development
Many assume that just opening a business guarantees success. It is not just the occupation that guarantees success. Business must be "developed." When the value to the patient stems from their relationship with you and your office, it doesn’t matter where you practice. Just like your best friends they will come to "visit" you wherever you are.
Hands-On Courses Offer a Better Learning Experience
Southeast Sports Seminars
Our goal is simpleā€”to teach you skills you can use implement into practice immediately. Our cutting-edge, hands-on classes are designed to keep you on the forefront of treatment; with instructors that have years of experience in their respective fields. Don't just take our word for it, click below.



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