Member Directory Update Request

We are making every attempt to contact every member to update their TXAPA Membership Directory listing. 1,000 of these directories will be distributed throughout Texas so it is imperative that your information is correct. 

If you are the PRIMARY contact for your organizarion, and you haven't already, please take a moment to simply review and approve your directory listing by following the steps below, even if your listing has not changed from last year.

If you  would like to assign this task to another person in your organization, please email Corey Clyden.

Please follow these three easy steps to complete your listing in record time.

  1. Create a password and login to the new (Important: please check your spam folder if you do not receive an email containing your password)
  2. Review the information relating to your member firm.\
  3. Check the box that says “approved” and hit “Submit”

That’s it! You can even print the page for review or for your records.

Texas Asphalt Pavement Association