2020 Dr. Jon A. Epps TXAPA Quality Seal Coat Awards Program Postponed

After numerous discussions, the TXAPA Quality Seal Coat Committee regretfully announced the cancellation of the 2020 Dr. Jon A. Epps TXAPA Quality Seal Coat Awards Program. Because the program is new, Chairman Kevin King felt it was best to kick it off on the right foot with TxDOT as an integral part of the inaugural awards. Unfortunately, TxDOT travel restrictions remain in place with no clear end in sight. 

Though the news is difficult to digest, King remains optimistic saying, "The awards program will be back, better, and fine-tuned for the 2021 awards, so do the best work you can do right now as these projects will be rated in 2021."

King sends a special thanks to the Awards Committee for spending countless hours planning the awards program and also to Dr. Epps, Dennis Berryhill, and Harold Mullen for their dedication during these trying times. He concludes, "Our work has not been in vain—we have learned a lot and we will provide a great program in 2021."

Texas Asphalt Pavement Association