Karen Pagitt Retiring from TXAPA

Following 27 years of dedication and commitment, Karen Pagitt has announced her retirement from TXAPA.  Having served TXAPA and the Hot Mix Asphalt Center (HMAC) in many capacities she is widely known in the industry for her strong work ethic and her attention to helping all industry partners.  As an integral team member, Karen has helped TXAPA grow its programs and reach new levels of success.

Karen's official retirement date will be October 31st, but she will continue to work with TXAPA for the next few months to ensure a smooth transition.  She will begin a new chapter in her life as she prepares to open a sign business in Kyle, Texas.  With the same focus on quality she had at TXAPA she retains that focus in her new venture as her company will be called Sky High Quality Signs, Inc.  We wish Karen the best and great success in her new endeavor and thank her tremendously for her true dedication to TXAPA and the HMAC.

 Ms. Pagitt will be joining us at our Annual January Membership Meeting on January 17, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency in Austin, TX.  Please help us recognize her for her service to our industry by attending our Annual Membership Meeting.  On-line registration for the Annual TXAPA Membership Meeting is now available on the TXAPA website.

Texas Asphalt Pavement Association