NAPA in the News

New Website to Support Asphalt Benefits, Visit Today
NAPA recently launched a new website,, to support the industry’s comprehensive marketing campaign. The site aims to provide information to road owners about the superior performance of asphalt pavements. Crafted to address major areas of concern to road builders and the driving public, and supported by science and engineering data from third parties, the website can be a helpful tool for meetings with DOT, public works, and tollway officials. In the coming months, the site will be enhanced and expanded into a full resource for pavement designers seeking information about asphalt pavements. 

Comments Filed with OSHA on New Silica Standard

In early February, the Silica/Milling Machine Partnership filed comments with OSHA
regarding the agency's proposed new silica standard. Although the partnership's comments focused on providing rationales for removing the respiratory protection requirement for milling operations identified in the proposed rule, the industry is also aware of the need to document potential silica exposure during ancillary activities associated with roadway milling and construction, as well as plant operations. Visit for a copy of the partnership's comments. 

Please Complete the Survey on Recycled Materials and WMA
NAPA and FHWA are now seeking data about the use of reclaimed materials and warm-mix
asphalt production during the 2013 construction season. Asphalt mix producers in all 50 U.S. states and the territories are asked to fill out the confidential questionnaire to ensure the greatest degree of accuracy for the survey. Results of the survey will be released only as national and state totals; no company-specific answers will be released or used for any purpose. Last year, 213 companies/branches with 1,141 plants in 48 states and Puerto Rico participated in the survey; we’d like to see even more responses for this year’s survey. To participate, visit For more information, contact NAPA Director of Engineering Kent Hansen at 

Important Asphalt Pavement Research Projects
NAPA has compiled a summary of ongoing and recently completed asphalt research projects
and industry initiatives. It covers work funded by NAPA, the Asphalt Pavement Alliance, and the Pavement Economics Committee. The booklet was distributed during NAPA’s Annual Meeting, and a digital version can be downloaded from