6th Annual TXAPA Mid Year Meeting - Jackson Lake Lodge - Wyoming

Don't forget to register for the 6th Annual TXAPA Mid Year Meeting.  This year we are scheduled for Jackson Lake Lodge outside Jackson Hole, Wyoming, June 17 - 19, 2013. The lodge is located in the Grand Teton National Park. 

The registration packet is available at the Association website.  www.texasasphalt.org.  Hotel rooms are now limited to availability only, so be sure to contact the hotel at your earliest convenience.

The number to the hotel is: 1-800-628-9988, be sure to identify yourself as being with the Texas Asphalt Pavement Association.  

We have a wonderful program lined up with plenty of extra time for networking possibilities.  There are so many extra activities available you can also contact the hotel in advance to schedule them.  Some of the extra activities include:
We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!!  If you have any questions, please contact Karen Pagitt at 512-312-2099.