2013 TXAPA 6th Annual Mid-Year Meeting - Jackson Lake Lodge - Jackson Hole, Wyoming

TXAPA is looking forward to our 6th Annual 2013 Mid Year Meeting!  This year we are headed to Jackson Hole, Wyoming in the Grand Teton Mountains. The meeting dates are June 17-19, 2013.

There are so many activities so be sure to book an extended stay.  We encourage everyone to make their room reservations NOW, because this venue will fill quickly and there are only so many rooms available.

You can contact the hotel at 1-800-628-9988 between 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mountain time to make your reservations.  Identify yourself at attending the Texas Asphalt Pavement Association Mid Year Meeting.

There are so many activities you can plan, from canoeing to rafting down the Snake River, to hiking to just enjoying the beauty of wild life.  More information and registration information will come some.  However, we really encourage you to make your hotel reservations now.  This is going to be a lifetime memorable event!!