Monday, August 2, 2011
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Educational Toolkit Inserts, Continued

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In May of 2011 I started a series of articles for this newsletter that will cover the inserts contained in the TxAPA Educational Tool Kit.  So far I have discussed inserts entitled "Smoothness Matters," "Asphalt the Sustainable Pavement" and "Paving the Way for the Future of Texas." The first two inserts were APA-produced and "Paving the Way" was the first TxAPA-produced insert covered. This month I want to point out two inserts which are actually copies of articles from our Texas Asphalt magazine. 

The first insert is an article from the Spring 2009 Texas Asphalt magazine by Kyle Swaner entitled "Using Asphalt as a Green Pavement for LEED Credits." In this article you will learn from Mr. Swaner how companies, corporations and municipalities can use asphalt pavements as they pursue LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) credits. Mr. Swaner shows the various LEED catagories and their associated points in the program. He then goes on to show how asphalt pavements can help claim some of these points in Pavement Technologies category.

Click here to view a PDF of "Using Asphalt as a Green Pavement for LEED Credits".
The second insert is an article from the Winter 2009 Texas Asphalt magazine by Dale Rand entitled "High Price HMA Going the Way of the Cave Man." With asphalt prices fluctuating nowadays, this is a timely article to revisit, which is exactly why it is included in the TxAPA Educational Tool Kit. In the article Mr. Rand leads you through an explanation of how the use of substitute binders, RAP and RAS could reduce the cost of your asphalt by more than $15/ton. He shows that asphalt mixes that use 100 percent virgin binders and aggregates will soon be a thing of the past due to budget constraints on local governments, and he goes on to show that through the proper use of substitute binders, RAP and RAS asphalt pavements can help local entities through their budget constraint issues.

Click here to view a PDF of "Dr. Caveman".

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