Texas Municipal League Update: June 2019

The Texas Municipal League has had a busy year tracking city related legislation and lobbying on behalf of their member cities. There were over 2,000 city related bills introduced and more than 330 passed. If you are interested in more information on the 2019 Legislative Session efforts, please visit TML Legislative Update

Among the bills passed into law were four cybersecurity bills that may be of particular interest to our members.  Summaries of these are provided below:

Texas DIR is charged with the development and roll-out of programs associated with two of these new laws. During the Strategic Planning Session later this month, the TAGITM Board will be discussing opportunities to engage with DIR to represent the interests of our members in the development of these new programs.

Just a reminder, the 2019 TML Conference will be held October 9-11 in San Antonio.  Housing and registration open in July.