HR Matters
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We have a little over six weeks until the national election. While this year’s presidential race is particularly "colorful" and entertaining, we all know that local and state legislators can have an even greater impact on our daily lives. So while you are in the political mood, take a minute to join the Advocacy Team (or A-Team). And if you want to take your participation to the next level, consider being an Advocacy Captain for your Congressional District. You will be the "go-to" person on HR issues for lawmakers and their staffs. It is a very rewarding and exhilarating opportunity. Pam Bratton, Lon Williams and Kristin Bauer have done an excellent job as our Legislative Committee Co-Chairs, and will be happy to provide you with more information.
America works best when Americans vote. However, the percentage of eligible voters who cast their ballots continues to decline election after election. According to a study by Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism, 23 million Americans contacted an elected official over a two-year period, but didn't bother to go vote!
HealthyYOU Vending
Felicia Drake is the newly certified Director of Human Resources for Red River Federal Credit Union. Having already received her job promotion, she did not have an obvious need for the certification for the sake of career advancement, but gaining the certification meant more than that. Felicia is the 2016 President of the Tri-State Chapter of SHRM, Texarkana. Having previously earned her MBA, a SHRM certification gave Felicia the specialization she desired. In a brief interview with Felicia, she shared about her experience.
HR Houston, El Paso SHRM and Red River Valley HRA were quite busy this summer. And we added a brand new chapter with RoseCity SHRM! HR Houston hosted two sold-out workshops as part of its Seminar Series. El Paso SHRM continued its community partnerships with programs focusing on students and non-profit charities. The Paris chapter of Red River Valley HRA had a lot of fun and learning at its annual conference.
Benefiting the Texas State SHRM Student Chapter and Hill Country HR Members
Thursday, September 22, 7:30 a.m..-4:30 p.m.
Dick’s Classic Garage
120 Stagecoach Trail
San Marcos, Texas
Tulane University - Freeman School of Business
Tarleton State University
If diversity is having a seat at the table, then inclusion is making you feel welcome by including you in the conversation and giving you a voice to be heard. The cornerstones of any diversity initiative in a company should be visibility, access and opportunity or in other words inclusion. A diverse workforce needs a diverse workplace. It is more than having a Diversity and Inclusion Officer and more than a numbers game.
As HR professionals, most of us are gearing up for "HR Busy Season." Upcoming projects include open enrollment, annual appraisals and merit review, just to name a few. As we get ready for everything we have to roll out, communication becomes one of the most important elements of our plan. How do we communicate without overloading employees and managers and still ensure critical deadlines and major changes are clearly conveyed? Here are a few things to consider.
Fort Hood’s Soldier for Life – Transition Assistance Program invites Texas SHRM members to participate in their FREE Mini Career Fairs, which assist Austin employers in achieving their recruitment and staffing goals with the bonus of targeting and employing COMPETENT, CAPABLE, and RELIABLE service members and their families.
Oct. 3, Nov. 7, and Dec. 5 | 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Copeland Soldiers Service Center, Building 18010 3rd Floor, A Wing, Room A309
T.J. Mills Boulevard & Battalion Avenue
Fort Hood, Texas
Rice University
In August, Congressman John Ratcliff hosted an open house at City Hall in Paris to listen to the issues on the his constituents' minds. Jessica Adams, President of Red River Valley HRA and Jennifer Elliott from the same chapter attended the event. Adams spoke with him about supporting bill H.R. 5813, and the interaction made it into the local newspaper!
Want to stay connected with Texas SHRM on social media? Well, you've got lots of choices. Check out where to find us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook!
vcfo is celebrating its 20th Anniversary with a Year of Giving. Throughout the year, they’re participating in activities to give back to our community. As part of the Year of Giving, AHRMA is joining with vcfo to collect new or gently used professional apparel for Dress for Success. Click below to find out what we're collecting at our October meeting:

Thursday, Oct.13 | 8 a.m.
Norris Conference Center
525 West Anderson Lane
Austin, Texas