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August 2015 In This Issue
The Brag
Calendar of Events
Workforce Readiness
Sage Software, Inc.
Burnett Staffing Specialists
The next installment of our "Value of Chapter Membership" articles.
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The Mid-Continent Companies, Ltd.
Concordia University
The Brag

On July 9, Sherry Johnson made a presentation to Hill Country Human Resource Management Association and at-large members at the San Marcos Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center. Approximately 15 at-large members attended and several registered for the upcoming monthly luncheon.

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DallasHR is off to a great start with their young professionals group. DallasHR is planning a happy hour for all young professionals at the Southwest Conference in October.


Pictured Kelsey Hooten Jonet Gonzales, Elyse Murphy and Kay Miller.

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HR Houston’s Board of Directors enjoyed a team-building event at iFLY Houston.

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Fort Worth HR is proud to announce our Second Annual HR Professional of the Year award. To nominate the HR Professional whom you believe to be outstanding in our profession, simply visit the nomination form here: Nomination Form or visit www.fwhrma.org.

Deadline for submissions is 5pm on Friday, August 28th and the award will be presented at The Sixth Annual Strategic Mindset Conference Luncheon on Friday, September 18, at the Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary.

The Sixth Annual Strategic Mindset Conference this year on Friday, September 18, has been submitted to HRCI for 7 hours of STRATEGIC credits and also to SHRM-SCP PDC's for 7 credits. Registration is $175 for members of FWHR and $200 for non-members for this full-day conference. For more information and a full list of speakers, visit our website. This unique and popular conference has grown every year. Reserve your spot now!


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Calendar of Events

EPSHRM is celebrating its members this summer with a Night at the Chihuahuas! On Friday, August 28, 2015, EPSHRM will host members and guests to a night at Southwest University Field to watch the Chihuahuas Baseball Team! More information is available at www.epshrm.org.

EPSHRM is also making preparations for our SHRM Foundation Fundraiser on Wednesday, September 23, 2015. For more information or to participate, please contact SHRM Foundation director, Lou Bonilla-Jones, PHR, at lbonilla-jones@trans-expedite.com. We  have information available in our weekly eBlasts. If you would like to be added to that list, please contact our communications director, Daniel Margrave, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, at danielmargrave@me.com.

2016 executive board nominations will be taken during the August Monthly Membership Meeting on Wednesday, August 26, 2015, with elections to take place during the September Monthly Membership Meeting on Wednesday, September 23, 2015. If you are interested in volunteering your time as a board member, whether as an officer or director, please contact 2015 immediate past president, Pat Freddi, PHR, at PFreddi@Cimedtech.com.


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There is still time for PHR's and SPHR's to add the SHRM-CP/SCP certification at No Cost. You can receive your SHRM certification today. If you are already PHR, SPHR and/or GPHR-certified click the link below to learn the 3 easy, No Cost, steps to add your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.
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Workforce Readiness
WSBV and CBLP have developed the Teacher Externship Program to bring teachers and companies together to collaborate and develop a pipeline for a future skilled workforce.
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