October 2011
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SHRM Academic Initiatives Department Seeking Item Writers

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Academic Initiatives is seeking certified HR professionals who are interested in becoming item writers and reviewers for the SHRM Assurance of Learning Assessment for Graduating HR Students. Item writing workshops are generally held three times a year—once in spring, summer and fall. After training, item writers are assigned two content areas to write questions. Recertification credit is available in the Leadership category (up to 10 hours) as well as the research/publishing category (1 recertification hour awarded for every 3 items that make it into the final item bank). To volunteer, please contact Nancy Woolever via e-mail at nancy.woolever@shrm.org



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Amberton University
Robert Half International/OfficeTeam
Naylor, LLC
Texas SHRM
P.O. Box 8058
Tyler, Texas 75711
www.texasshrm.org info@texassshrm.org • 214-354-8740