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Always Put Your Best Foot Forward

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"What do you want to do with your degree?"

I think that is the most popular question asked of a college student. I knew I wanted to receive my undergraduate degree in business administration, but I never knew what exactly I wanted to do with that degree. After I earned my associate’s degree in business administration, I went on to pursue my bachelor’s degree at Concordia University Texas. One of the required classes for the business administration degree is human resource management. That class served as my launching pad into my professional career in HR. If I’ve learned anything, it is to always put your best foot forward because you really never know where your next step may lead you. I take advantage of every learning opportunity that comes my way because it could be a life changer, just as my first HR class was to me.

You’re probably thinking, how could that one class have such an impact? To make a long story short, I had a great professor who provided me with knowledge and opportunities that I took with tremendous stride. The HR curriculum was very interesting to me, as we actually took part in a semester-long simulated experience being HR managers and overseeing a plethora of things. My professor also brought in guests who are experts in the field of HR, which also inspired me.

One day, the Austin Human Resource Management Association came in and gave an information session. I was immediately interested. I think the AHRMA representatives could see my eyes light up from the back of the room. I was getting more and more excited about HR and all of the opportunities that could come from starting such a rewarding career in HR. I ended up winning a free student membership and luncheon from AHRMA. From there, I declared human resource management as the concentration for my degree plan.

My senior year approached fast and I needed to find an internship to fulfill my degree requirements. I used my professional network that I built from the various opportunities I took advantage of throughout my college career. I received an email from my inspiring professor about an internship at Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. I immediately jumped on the opportunity and applied for the position, where I was successful in being placed as an HR intern. Near the end of my internship, I was offered a full-time position with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in the same office where I interned, and I couldn’t be more excited!

My internship provided me with marketable skills that allowed me to gain an understanding of the many different facets of HR, and more importantly, how to succeed in my professional career. I sharpened my professional skills and built upon my organizational, time management and communication skills. The projects I worked on during my internship have pushed me out of my comfort zone and have really expanded my horizon of being creative and innovative. Although the work has been challenging, it has also been extremely rewarding. The skills I gained from my internship, coupled with the knowledge I acquired in the classroom, has undoubtedly contributed to my success story in becoming a HR professional.

Amber Kaskie reading her winning essay at the 2015 Mickey Leland Internship Conference. She participated in the Skill Building Competition and was one out of the four winners.

Just as I was ever so inspired by my professor, mentor and other influential HR professionals, I would love to pass on best practices that I’ve acquired on my journey thus far, to inspire up and coming professionals who may be taking on a new job or internship in the near future. I urge each and every one of you to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way and to take everything as a learning experience, even if it doesn’t turn out how you hoped it would. There is something to be learned from every situation. Don’t be afraid to fail, most of the time this is where you’ll learn the most!

  • When given a task, take it seriously and give it your best effort. As an intern, this is your time to shine and show everyone what you’re made of. Go above and beyond of what’s asked of you.
  • Gain credibility from your management and co-workers, it is essential in building relationships and adding to your success.
  • Be an expert at what you do. Teach yourself something every day that will make you perform better; be the person anyone can go to for help.
  • Get out of your comfort zone; push yourself to do things you normally wouldn’t do. I guarantee you’ll learn so many things about yourself you didn’t even know were there!
  • Get involved! Participate in any meetings, training, conferences and competitions you can. Meet people, ask questions, and build your network. Take the initiative to educate yourself.

You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think!

Amber Kaskie
Winner of 2015 Zimmerman Scholarship Award
Participant in 2015 AHRMA Student Summit


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