December 2013
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DallasHR is proud to announce that its Workforce Readiness Committee has been named as a finalist for the 2013 SHRM Pinnacle Award for its "Veteran's Initiative" program.

What started out as a one-time opportunity to assist several veterans with their resumes has blossomed into a comprehensive program.  DallasHR teamed up with Allies in Services, a
Dallas nonprofit started by Roger Staubach, and our volunteers reviewed the resumes of
56 veterans and the spouses of veterans.

Of the first 56 resumes edited and returned, 13 veterans landed jobs!  Another 17 had been called in for job interviews. Success breeds success, and these successes attracted more volunteers and more veterans. Going forward into 2014, the Workforce Readiness Committee has big plans to grow both its committee base AND HR volunteer base with goals to edit even more veteran resumes while expanding the initiative scope into providing behavioral interviewing techniques and mock interviewing practice sessions.

DallasHR believes a full scope of volunteer service initiatives including resume editing, behavioral interviewing training and mock interview practicing provides well-rounded program options for
veterans to consider as they navigate their job seeking process. The overall program is designed to be easy and convenient to attract HR volunteers to lend their skills, yet is versatile enough to be delivered as a group or individual session depending on the need. Above all, the primary focus is to ensure all initiatives remain relevant and meaningful for the veterans.

Like all volunteers, the Workforce Readiness volunteer felt the joy of helping others. They also felt thrill and accomplishment when the veterans landed jobs.

And the great thing about this program is that it can be easily replicated wherever there is a SHRM local chapter and veteran outreach organization.

Within a veryshort time, DallasHR will put together a simple "how-to" booklet on how your chapter can help veterans land jobs by partnering with your local veteran organization.

To place your order for the booklet or if you have questions about the program, email the Committee's
Director, Neal England, at


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