SSPC Standards Review Committee Member Openings 2019

The SSPC Standards Review Committee has openings for two new members in the consultant/architect/engineer demographic category and one member in the contractor demographic category starting in January 2019. SRC members are appointed by the SSPC President for renewable 3-year terms.

Qualified candidates for SRC appointment must belong to one of the above demographic categories and should have a 3-year history of SSPC membership that includes active participation on at least two SSPC Technical Committees.

The Standards Review Committee oversees development and processing of SSPC standards by reviewing both proposals for new standards and standards that have completed committee consensus development, including any unresolved negatives and objections. The SRC then votes either to recommend Board approval of the completed standard, or to return the standard to the developing committee for additional work.

SSPC members interested in volunteering for the SSPC Standards Review Committee should contact Aimée Beggs at, or 412-288-6042 before Oct. 30, 2018 for additional information.