Sprayfoam Pro Newswire

Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance

SPFA News and Announcements
>>Statement from SPFA on California's Proposed Regulations
>>SPFA to Elect New Board Members
>>SPFA Finishes Environmental Product Declaration for SPF

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=264781&issueID=31991 to view the full article online.

SPFA will be testifying today, May 7, at the hearing in Sacramento on the industry's behalf. All manufacturers, distributors, and California member contractors were encouraged to attend the hearing closest to them and communicate with the CA DTSC regarding inaccuracies in the Department's statement, and the negative impact upon SPF business in the state.

Visit https://dtsc.ca.gov/SCP/Workshops.cfm to view the full article online.

Industry News and Announcements
>>IAPMO’s Uniform Evaluation Service Issues ER-285 to Quadrant Urethane
>>SPFA Sponsors U.S. DoE Student Competition -- Winners Announced
>>Free Monthly Webinars with U.S. Dept. of Energy Building America Program
>>SPFA PCP Training Puts Honeywell Solstice® LBA to the Test
>>BPI Announces Manufacturer Product Listing Program for the Home Performance Industry
>>ACC Announces 2014 Responsible Care® Energy Efficiency Award Winners
>>Bayer AG Rumored to Be Making Headway on Selling MaterialScience

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=264780&issueID=31991 to view the full article online.

Building Performance Institute
From leadership in sustainability to managing legal requirements, the 2014 Associated General Contractors of America’s CEC will provide invaluable resources for environmental professionals in the construction industry. Learn from experts, federal agencies and your peers. Read more about the 2014 AGC CEC and register here. SPFA Members receive a savings of $100 off the non-AGC member rates that kick in on April 26.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=264784&issueID=31991 to view the full article online.

From the Current Issue of SPRAYFOAM PROFESSIONAL Magazine
To receive a digital copy of the summer issue of SPRAYFOAM Professional (being released later this week), sign up below and have it delivered directly to your Inbox. Some enhanced features in the digital version include:
>>Search for specific keywords or phrases.
>>Flag favorite articles.
>>Make notes in the margins.
>>Connect with vendors quickly and easily.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=264777&issueID=31991 to view the full article online.

Bayer Material Science
SPFA Membership
>>SPFA Publishes Membership Brochure
>>SPFA 2013-2014 Membership Directory and Buyers' Guide
>>SPFA Member Benefits
>>SprayFoam 2014 Coverage, Award Winners

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=264779&issueID=31991 to view the full article online.

Foam Supplies, Inc.
SPF Tech
Source: buildingscience.com / John Straube
Airtightness testing has long—since the 1980s—been used to test high-performance housing. The 2012 version of the International Residential Code requires testing of every new home. Recently there has been a growing trend of testing the airtightness of large buildings as well. This digest reviews why one would invest in airtightness testing for a large building, how the testing is done, how the results are interpreted, and how this information can be used.

Visit http://www.buildingscience.com/documents/digests/bsd-040-airtightness-testing-in-large-buildings/ to view the full article online.

SPFA Courses and Certification
>>SPFA PCP Is Where You Need It!
>>SPFA PCP Exam Preparatory Course, Written Examinations and Field Examinations

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=264786&issueID=31991 to view the full article online.

SPFA Job Board
C.J. Spray, Inc.
Federal/State Government News
Federal Activities
>>School Energy Efficiency Bill Approved By U.S. House Committee
>>ESPC/UESC Legislation Moves Forward in U.S. House
>>U.S. Senate Prepares for Moment of Decision on Shaheen-Portman

GGAC Regional and Chapter Activities
>>GGAC Power Point Presentations Available on Website
>>Montgomery County, Maryland
>>Nova Scotia, Canada

Visit https://www.ashrae.org/government-affairs/government-affairs-updates to view the full article online.

Current Call to Action
>>Comments on OMB Proposed Update of Circular A-119, Due May 12
>>Nominations Sought for Polyurethane Innovation Award, Deadline June 18
>>Applications for Housing Innovation Awards Available, Deadline June 30

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=264793&issueID=31991 to view the full article online.

SPF-Related Codes & Standards
>>BPI Delivering DOE's Home Energy Score Nationwide in New BPI Rating Program
>>Spray Polyurethane Foam Design Guidance: Insulation and Air Barrier Requirements of the 2012 I-Codes
>>The Building Codes Assistance Project Updates on Building Energy Codes

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=264791&issueID=31991 to view the full article online.

Sprayfoam Professional Call for Submissions
The State Net Capitol Journal contains timely and pertinent information for almost every business owner in every state. Read up on Health Reform, Budget & Taxes, Politics & Leadership, Governors, Bird's Eye View, Hot Issues, and Once Around the Statehouse Lightly.

Volume XXII, No. 13
May 5, 2014

Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/pdf/sncj_050514.pdf to view the full article online.

See what's in store, as far as industry events, expos, training classes, online courses, certification programs and more.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index.asp?aid=264794&issueID=31991 to view the full article online.

Source: SBA.gov
Are you wondering how to finance your small business? Have you written a financial plan yet? Do you know typical and non-traditional sources of funding? Join AARP and SBA to learn how to get your small business up and running on Tuesday, May 13 at 2 p.m. ET.

Visit https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=registration.jsp&eventid=785463&sessionid=1&key=EC0F9FF7EFFCE9028B17F341A62309BE&partnerref=SBA to view the full article online.

Source: SBA.gov
If you’re a woman-owned small business looking to contract with the federal government and seeking assistance on how to navigate in the federal procurement arena, we have good news that can help!
Upcoming events: May 21 in NYC; June 3 in Washington, DC

Visit http://www.sba.gov/community/blogs/official-sba-news-and-views/open-business/challengeher%E2%80%94creating-opportunities-access-federal-contracts-women-owned-small-businesses to view the full article online.

Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
11 Hope Rd, Ste 111 #308 | Stafford, VA 22554