Sprayfoam Pro Newswire

Fencil Urethane Becomes the 10th PCP Accredited Contractor Company

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Fencil Urethane has become the 10th SPF Contractor Company who has earned the distinction of being an SPFA PCP Accredited Contractor Company. 

The current SPFA Accredited Contractor Companies are:

Fencil Urethane
Insulated Roofing Consultants
JJD Urethane
Thermal Dynamics
United Thermal Systems
West Roofing

At a glance, here are some of the criteria company must meet in order to become accredited.  The Handbook outlines them in detail:

1.      Proof of Business
2.      Proof of Licensing
3.      Insurance Requirements
4.      Code of Conduct
5.      Safety Program/Training
6.      Company Experience Declaration
7.      Personnel Requirements
8.      Jobsite Requirements
9.      Equipment Requirements

Companies that operate using good business practices can easily meet most of this criteria and just need to have the appropriate personnel become SPFA PCP Certified to meet the other criteria.

At a minimum**, a company must have:
•        SPFA PCP Certified Project Manager* AND
•        SPFA PCP Certified Installer or Master Installer*

*To accommodate our smaller contractors, the same person can hold both certifications.
**Note that this is the MINIMUM amount.  Personnel requirements vary depending on size of company and number of jobs occurring at the same time.



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