NEW! SHSMD/Mayo Health Care Social Media "Virtual" Conference

SHSMD will be transitioning its 2020 in-person annual conference to a new virtual conference plus additional online education opportunities.

SHSMD and AHA’s Center for Health Innovation will convene health care leaders and executives across the nation for an innovative and engaging 3-day virtual event: Navigating A New Reality – Health Care Leaders Confront the Future.

This virtual conference will connect an array of key leaders facing a new era of care delivery post-COVID-19. We urge SHSMD executive strategists to join other health care leaders to share ideas, lessons learned and innovative strategies to move the field from recovery to rebuilding. 

Mark your calendars for September 14-16. 


Coming in October! SHSMD will offer all its members additional opportunities to join a series of online workshops, seminars and social networking opportunities as we bring our greatest SHSMD Connections sessions and more to marketers, planners, communicators, business developers and other health care strategists.

Watch for more information in the weeks ahead.