Paving the Way
SCAPA News and Events
Don’t miss this opportunity to submit a presentation idea for the South Carolina Asphalt Pavement Association’s 2024 Winter Conference & Trade Show! To submit a topic, please fill out the short form in the "learn more" link.
What a great weekend of fellowship last month in Amelia Island, Florida! The weather was a bit sporadic and steamy, however the attendees made the most of it and fun was had by all! Special thanks goes to all of our sponsors that made this possible. Presentations and photos from the event will be available on SCAPA's website. Link provided below.  

Mark your calendars for next year's SCAPA Summer Conference being held at the JW Marriott in beautiful Savannah, Georgia on June 20-23, 2024
In an effort to ensure we have the highest quality presentations and speakers; we are seeking volunteers to serve on the 2024 SCAPA Winter Conference Planning Committee. We have scheduled our annual planning meeting for Tuesday, Aug. 29 from 10-2 p.m. We will meet on this day to develop the Winter Conference Technical Program Agenda.

The meeting will be held at the SCDOT ITS Building located behind the Office of Materials and Research at 1408 Shop Road, Columbia, South Carolina. Lunch will be provided.

Please send an email to or call 803-252-2522. Volunteers are eligible for discounted SCAPA Winter Conference registration fees. 

Next month, young professionals from SCAPA's contractor and associate members are invited to join SCAPA PAVE Committee Members on August 29 at 4:30 p.m. at Tradesman Brewing at the Young Leaders Connect Event. Registration for this networking event can be found in the "Learn More" link below.

Promo Codes
Villager Construction
Membership Services
If you have not been in the SCAPA Member Portal lately, you may not have seen the new look! We would like for the Member Portal to be a resource for you and hope to add more members-only content to it. You can get to the Member Portal from the new website at and click "Member Login" from the menu. Click below to learn more about why you need to be on the Member Portal.
The 2023 SCAPA Membership Directory & Resource Guide is available! Copies were shipped out in March. To access the digital version, please click the "Learn More" button below.

Please let Jayson or Cliff know if you have not received a copy or would like a complimentary one mailed or delivered to you.
Industry News
Learn more about how Utah contractors and DOT came together to construct a thick lift paving section. Similar to Intermediate B Special in S.C., this mix speeds up contractors’ production rates and reduce disruption to the traveling public. Read more using the link below for more information on thick lift paving.
NAPA's Asphalt Pavement Magazine
Read this feature article from Asphalt Pavement Magazine regarding the kick-off event for the Women of Asphalt (WofA) West Virginia Branch. The event featured U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito as the keynote speaker. Click the link provided for more information. (Photo courtesy of NAPA's Asphalt Pavement Magazine.)
Environment & Sustainability

Asphalt Plants & Natural Gas
The asphalt pavement industry uses clean-burning natural gas at a higher rate than similar U.S. manufacturing industries. Asphalt mix plants can burn a variety of fuels, but the most common are natural gas, used oil, propane, and diesel fuel. In 2019, the average blend of fuels consumed by U.S. asphalt mix producers was natural gas (69.5%), diesel fuel (13.6%), used oil (10.2%) propane (HGL) (5.1%), and residual fuel oil (1.7%) (Shacat et al., 2022). The industry’s use of natural gas is logical because of an abundant supply. The United States is the world’s largest producer of natural gas, making it a low-cost, abundant fuel source. Natural gas supplies about 33% of domestic energy used for heating/electricity via pipelines. When natural gas is not available, asphalt mix plants typically burn used oil or diesel fuel. However, there is a growing market for liquid natural gas (LNG), which can be easily transported to asphalt mix plants by truck (Johns, 2019). See the PDF attached from NAPA concerning our industry's choice for burner fuel.

Photo - Chart: NAPA

Data collection for the first national benchmarking initiative for EPDs for asphalt mixtures concluded last week, with 331 asphalt plants across 39 states submitting data. NAPA would like to thank the dozens of companies and countless individuals who participated in this effort. Preliminary results were presented at NAPA’s Midyear Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri. We are pleased that S.C. is one of many states that had good participation in NAPA's effort to benchmark our impact for capturing sustainability of asphalt during production.

Health & Safety
Train Workers: Save Lives
CrewSafety is for employees inside the work zone and engaged in some of the most dangerous activities. Last year, more than 25,000 people were injured in active road construction work zones and more than 700 people were killed. Many of those were road construction workers. Ensuring workers are safe and go home at the end of their shift can start with training. NAPA's CrewSafety Work Zone Training helps employees recognize unsafe work zone situations and understand how they can proactively ensure their safety.
The heat illness prevention plan template was prepared by members of the National Asphalt Paving Association (NAPA) and the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA). It is intended to be used as a template to build company- or organization-specific programs. Organizations should consider state and local agency policies to ensure their version aligns with these recommendations. 

See the link below to download the template.
Injuries from dump trucks led to the deaths of 809 construction and extraction workers from 2011 to 2020. Those operating dump trucks or working nearby are at risk of multiple hazards including struck-by, tip-over from loss of vehicle control, crushing, electrical, and falls. This fact sheet gives employers and workers ways to recognize and avoid these hazards and prevent dump truck-related injuries and deaths at construction sites. Employers, contractors, and supervisors should take the lead in using these recommendations to help prevent dump truck-related deaths, injuries, and close calls.

See the attached PDF for more information from NIOSH and NAPA.

Photo courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons.
Vince Hafeli was a keynote speaker for the 2023 SCAPA Summer Conference. His message was very powerful concerning his personal experience with the suicide crisis that is ongoing everyday within the construction industry and should not be ignored. If you missed it or need more information on why our industry can't ignore the facts and must move forward on implementing this very important message in our safety programs, click the link below to learn more. Please do not postpone this message; this could make the difference in the lives of your crew, team members, neighbors, friends, or even your family.
Asphalt Resources
The 2023 SCDOT certification course schedule has been released. Online registration is available on TCTC's website at

Note that the site will have only one of each course type available for registration at a time, so not all of the sections will show as available. 
Humboldt Mfg. Company
Asphalt Facts
The addition of asphalt to anodes could lead to high-capacity lithium metal batteries that charge 10 to 20 times faster than commercial lithium-ion batteries, claim Rice University scientists.