Paving the Way
SCAPA News and Events
On behalf of the SCAPA Board of Directors and Staff, we would like to invite all SCAPA Members to join us for the 2022 SCAPA Fall Member Dinner. The SCAPA Fall Member Dinner will be held Wednesday, October 12th at the Hilton Columbia Center. Reserve your room before September 17th and register today!
On August 9th, our Technical Director held a seminar for the Columbia and Charleston offices of Kimley-Horn on “How to Design Low Volume Roads and Parking Lots.” The seminar covered how to structurally design asphalt pavements for commerical markets (parking lots, low volume roadways, etc.). 
The SCAPA Winter Conference Planning Committee met last week to discuss speaker topics and planning for the 2023 SCAPA Winter Conference & Trade Show. We are excited about what this year's conference holds and hope you all will join us. Save the dates of February 27 & 28, 2023 and the conference will once again be held at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center in Columbia, SC. 
Villager Construction
King Asphalt, Inc.
Membership Services
The SCAPA staff has been hard at work updating our website and giving it a much-needed makeover. 

We're excited to announce that
the revamped is now live

Be sure to check it out and give us your feedback; we would really like to know what content you would like to see on the site. Send your feedback to us: Click Here.
If you have not been in the member portal lately, you may not have seen the new look! We would like for the member portal to be a resource for you, and hope to add more members only content to it. You can get to the member portal from the new website at and click Member Login from the menu. Click to learn more about why you need to be on the member portal.
Industry News
The National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) recently released a first-of-its-kind report documenting the asphalt pavement's contribution to GHG emissions nationwide, along with comparisons to related sectors and research needed to continue reducing emissions.
Don't miss this Asphalt Institute article by industry expert, Danny Gierhart, P.E., on "Reviewing Asphalt Test Results- The Essentials of Reviewing Asphalt Test Reports". 
This article, "Innovative Asphalt Pavement Technology: Paving the Way for the World’s Roadways," by Jon A. Epps, discusses how small improvements in pavement performance of asphalt pavements will result in substantial dollar savings to citizens. Although small individual projects mostly performed at universities provide value, large, reasonably focused projects are needed to make significant contributions. Developing one test that may or may not be related to performance at a university is not the answer to improving the industry in a significant way. Relating measured test parameters to performance is a key to improving quality and life of pavements. Large projects involving accelerated field testing, and long-term pavement performance monitoring projects that are integrated with the research, will be required. The SHRP Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) project is an example of this type of effort in the United States.
The SC Department of Transportation (SCDOT) recently approved the 2022-2023 Pavement Improvement Program.  According to SCDOT, the miles contained in this year's program will add over 1133+ miles to the previously approved 5000+ miles of work since the implementation of Act 40 of 2017.  
Government Affairs
President Biden recently signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law.  The bill draws a lot of language from the original Build Back Better proposal from late 2021. For the asphalt industry, a large impact will be felt on the climate-related provisions. The National Asphalt Pavement Association's Government Affairs team provided a summary of these key provisions.
FLINT Equipment Company
Environment & Sustainability
Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Time:  2:00 pm to 3:30 pm EDT
Speakers: Dr. Benjamin F. Bowers, PE, Assistant Professor, Graduate Coordinator: Pavements and Materials, Auburn University, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Description: Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR), Cold In-place Recycling (CIR), and Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) have become popular topics amongst agencies and industry as cost effective, environmentally conscious ways to rehabilitate or reconstruct asphalt pavements. Have you wondered what these techniques are and the opportunity they afford the asphalt industry and road owners? This webinar will introduce these techniques, shed light on production and application processes, provide a case study, and showcase how to use PAVEXpress and PerRoad for design.
Attendees will be able to: understand the basics of Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR), Cold In-place Recycling (CIR), and Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) techniques; examine a case study on the use of CCPR and FDR at the NCAT Test Track; and understand how to utilize PAVEXpress and PerRoad for CCPR, CIR, and FDR designs.
Date: September 22, 2022, 2:00Pm EST

Speakers: Joseph Shacat, NAPA, and J. Richard Willis, NAPA
Description: In July 2022, NAPA published the first national assessment of GHG emissions associated with asphalt mixture production in the United States. This webinar takes a deep dive into the details of the emissions inventory report. We’ll start by exploring the methodology and the underlying datasets that were used to calculate GHG emissions, with a goal of understanding how changes in industry practices have affected GHG emissions during the period from 2009 to 2019. We’ll then explore the potential GHG emissions reductions that can be achieved through widespread implementation of readily available technologies and practices.
Asphalt Resources
In this article, “Technology and Principles of Asphalt Paving” by N. M. Andryukhov and S. A. Pavlov (2021), the authors discuss that the use of high quality equipment in the construction of asphalt pavements is one of the ways to get a high quality flexible pavement. Taking into account the peculiarities of delivery of asphalt mixture to the object of construction, its storage, moving into the hopper of the paver, can significantly reduce the phenomenon of segregation of the mixture, both fractional and temperature. Attention paid to the process of surface formation by the paver, docking with arriving dump trucks, prevents the appearance of defects in the laid layer: joints, potholes, irregularities.
Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Time: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm EDT
Speakers: Steve McReynolds, Director of Operations, Asphalt Testing Solutions & Engineering and TJ Young, Production Manager, Duval Asphalt
Description: Civil and geotechnical engineers often specify asphalt for projects but don’t always get the opportunity to learn about production and construction of the product. This webinar will take attendees behind the scenes using drone video to explore the asphalt production process leading up to delivery on-site. Furthering this educational opportunity, engineers will learn about the construction process by watching asphalt placement and hearing tips to specify and design high-quality jobs presented by experienced asphalt experts.
Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022
Time:  2:30 pm to 4:00 pm EDT
Description:  Is it time to repave? Pavement condition survey results provide the foundation for identifying and prioritizing suggested improvement types and the timing of them. TRB will host a webinar on Thursday, September 22, 2022 from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern that will address all aspects of pavement condition data collection and provide practical suggestions for ensuring quality of data. If survey results are inaccurate, agencies could be under- or over-estimating their improvement needs and misjudging when treatments will be needed. Presenters will discuss cracking quality management, standards for improving rut measurements, and standards to improve transverse profile measurements.

This webinar is sponsored by the TRB Standing Technical Committee on Pavement Management Systems.
The 2022 SCDOT certification course schedule has been released. Online registration is available on TCTC's website at

Note that the site will have only one of each course type available for registration at a time, so not all of the sections will show as available. 
Asphalt Facts
The asphalt industry is the country's number one recycler.