SCAPA Contributes to "New Normals in Infrastructure" Panel at Upstate Event

Infrastructure Panel


Earlier this month, SCAPA was able to participate in the 7th Annual APWA/ASCE Upstate Joint Conference in Greenville. The event started with a healthy discussion of the American Society of Civil Engineers infrastructure report card for South Carolina. ASCE's Past President, Jonathan Thrasher, gave detailed insight into the findings. Mr. Thrasher is the Greenville/Spartanburg Construction Services Operations Manager for S&ME, Inc, a SCAPA Associate Member. Other topics included SCDOT's Bridge Analysis, the Carolina Panthers Interchange in Rock Hill, and Impacts to SCDOT's Funding after Passage of the IIJA.  

SCAPA Executive Director Jayson Jordan joined a panel in the afternoon to discuss the new normals of infrastructure. The panel gave insight from a range of topics such as workforce development challenges as well as strains on the supply chain. Panel participants along with Jayson were Greenville County Engineer Hesha Gamble, ReWa Director of Engineering Greg Wright, and Jared McMullen of Harper Corporation.