SCAPA Presents At December Meetings

Last month, SCAPA was on the road highlighting the newest update to the Asphalt Pavement Design Guide for Low-Volume Roads and Parking Lots. Technical Director Jayson Jordan had speaking engagements at the County Transportation Committee (CTC)/SCDOT statewide meeting and the Civil Engineers Club of Charleston monthly chapter meeting. Jordan was able to present some basics on overlay design as well as give attendees a rundown of SCAPA's upcoming design guide seminars.

The CTC/SCDOT statewide meeting was held at the SC Department of Archives and History and featured presentations from SCDOT, SCAPA, Charleston County Transportation Development and Abbeville County Public Works. In attendance was CTC representatives from the 46 counties of South Carolina as well as personnel from SCDOT. The C Program is a partnership between the counties and SCDOT to fund road improvements, in which 2.66 cents per gallon of the state fuel tax is allocated by a three-part formula. According to, "By law, each county is responsible for establishing a County Transportation Committee (CTC) appointed by the County's Legislative Delegation."  To read more about the C Program, please click here.


The Civil Engineers Club of Charleston December meeting was held at Trident Technical College, the site for SCAPA's February 7 Overlay Design Seminar (register here). Civil Engineers from various consultant firms and SCDOT were in attendance. The CE Club has been around for over 60 years: the group opted to form without national affiliation in the 1950s and has successfully supported the advancement of local Charleston engineers! CE Club of Charleston is comprised of 125 local engineers and meets monthly, excluding summer months. To learn more, check out their website!