National Knowledge Exam (NKE)

The 2023 NKE exams are scheduled for June 1, 2023 and November 2, 2023. Stay tuned for more information.

As of Jan. 1, 2022, Associate Members wishing to pursue the CPHR designation and write the NKE must be NKE Ready. Being NKE Ready means Associate Members have met the coursework requirement and received approval from CPHR Saskatchewan prior to registering for the NKE.

NKE Prep Courses
NKE prep courses are available to writers with the theoretical knowledge and test-taking strategies needed to effectively write the NKE. These are not mandatory.

NKE Waiver
Graduates of an accredited post-secondary program may be eligible to apply for an NKE Waiver. Click here to see a list of CPHR Saskatchewan Accredited Post-secondary Institutions