National Knowledge Exam (NKE) — Spring 2022

Registration is now open for the 2022 Spring NKE on May 26, 2022. As of Jan. 1, 2022, Associate Members wishing to pursue the CPHR designation and write the NKE, must be NKE Ready.  Being NKE Ready means Associate Members have met the coursework requirement, and received approval from CPHR Saskatchewan prior to registering for the NKE.

Virtual Prep Course
CPHR Manitoba, in partnership with CPHR Saskatchewan, is offering a virtual prep course for the 2022 Spring NKE. This virtual course adds the benefit of live lectures and having a facilitator available to assist with questions throughout the duration of the course. All lectures are recorded and participants have access to watch the recordings as they study for the exam. To learn more about this virtual prep course, click here. To receive the member rate, use promo code NKEPREP2022.