Parts Specialist Online Training to Launch soon!

The latest online course for Parts Specialist will soon be available –so the finish line is in sight to provide the training needed to keep the millions of RVs on the road.

The Parts Specialist online course provides instruction on:

The training includes assessments to track progress throughout the course. Pilot testers for the training included experienced and relatively new parts specialists and both groups were enthusiastic about the training contained in this new program.

Priced at $150 per student, the training is an ideal way to prepare for Parts Specialist certification through the RV Learning Center, which is available for an additional fee.

Help the RV Learning Center Reach the Finish Line Contributions to the RV Learning Center will
help complete the service manager, parts manager, and warranty administrator online courses. Add tech training from the RV Technical Institute and the industry will have access to fixed operations training resources that will help the industry improve the service and parts experience for customers, while
boosting employee productivity and job satisfaction.

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