Give Commission Workers fair Access to the Wage Subsidy Program

 Your Urgent Support Needed

 The current baseline for pre-crisis remuneration under the federal wage subsidy is the average weekly remuneration paid between January 1 and March 15. Given the seasonality of the retail RV market, using commission workers' salaries during the winter months as a basis of comparison puts them at a massive disadvantage.

 While we are pleased that the government listened to our concerns and significantly expanded the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) to businesses of all sizes, this critical issue needs to be addressed immediately to ensure commission workers in the RV and automotive industries across Canada get fair access to the federal wage subsidy program.

 We need your support by contacting your Member of Parliament (MP) today. Click on the button below to access a pre-drafted letter that you can send directly to your MP.

Fair Access to Wage Subsidy

Please share this link with your employees to help send a strong message to MPs. Please also call your MP to let them know we need their support.

Thank you for your continuing support during these challenging times.