Alltricity Network eNews

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Alltricity Network Report

From Alltricity Network Executive Director Ken Wilmot


With the start of the summer season, Alltricity Network is pleased to have wrapped up another successful Spring Management, Engineering, and Operations Conference – our first big event with our new name: Alltricity Network. A huge thank-you to the speakers, moderators, attendees, tabletop sponsors, Alltricity Network Board of Directors, Alltricity Network Education Committee Members and the Alltricity Scholarship Foundation who all worked so hard to make sure the conference was engaging, educational and fun! Nearly 350 attendees representing our industry came to Denver to connect in-person to network, share experiences, attend educational sessions, learn from the candid roundtable discussions and kick off our new brand in style! Highlights included a beautiful day on the links at Arrowhead Golf Course to start the conference; Board President Lisa Barbato doing the honors of “flipping the switch” and celebrating the new Alltricity Network brand with membership; an incredible and inspiring message of resiliency and gratitude from keynote speaker Aron Ralston; and much, much more!

If you didn’t get a chance to join us at the Spring Conference, you will have the opportunity to view most of the sessions on demand! We recorded audio and presentation slides for most of the Generation, Transmission & Distribution, and Management track sessions. These on demand videos will be available on the conference app and at soon. Look at the 2024 Spring Conference brochure to get more details on the topics and descriptions for each session.


Alltricity Network recognized eight electric energy industry professionals receiving the 2024 Emerging Leader Award during at this year’s Spring Conference. Read more about each of these individuals and their amazing accomplishments that benefit the entire electric energy industry:

  • Nick Barnwell, Technical Manager of Transmission & Distribution, Ulteig
  • Jonathon Crawford, Substation Engineer, Salt River Project
  • Crystal Harper, Financial Planning Manager, Nebraska Public Power District
  • Spencer Hicks, Distribution Section Manager, Burns & McDonnell
  • Sarah Khan, Lead Structural Engineer, Kiewit
  • Andrew Latrell, Civil & Transmission Engineer V, Colorado Springs Utilities
  • Randi Prime, Generation Engineering Manager, Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association
  • Jorge Vasquez, Manager of Occupational Health, CPS Energy

The Emerging Leader Awards Program began in 2014 as an Alltricity Network Board of Directors initiative to recognize the future generation of leaders who are already making an impact within their organization. To date, 93 individuals have been selected from numerous award nominations. The Emerging Leader Award recognizes and honors Alltricity Network members who are viewed as high potentials in their company with 5-10 years of experience in the industry. Each have made significant contributions within their organization and have demonstrated the potential for leadership and continuing service in the electric utility industry.

The Nomination Form for the 2025 Emerging Leader Award will be available in late 2024. The Emerging Leader Award goes beyond the award with numerous networking and professional development opportunities provided for recipients throughout the year, and we encourage you to start thinking about who you’d like to nominate for 2025.


September 16th-18th, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa – Bastrop (Austin), TX.

Alltricity Network is pleased to announce that registration for the 2024 Fall Convention is now open! Attend the association’s premier event for electric energy leadership and connect with 250+ of your electric utility industry peers for lively and enjoyable discussions centered on a program focused on strategically addressing today’s top challenges facing our electric utilities. Here’s what you can expect at this year’s Fall Convention:

  • Elite Convention Speakers – Alltricity Network is building a phenomenal line-up of influential and thought-provoking industry leader speakers to make this an effective and inspiring convention that you won't want to miss.
  • Meet Other Industry Leaders - C-Suite Executives along with directors, managers and emerging professionals will all be there!
  • Build your Professional Network - The networking opportunities have earned an exceptional reputation due to the decision-makers and thought leaders in attendance. Alltricity Network is committed to providing a relaxed and productive forum for our members. The focus of the Fall Convention is on value, substance and making connections.
  • Dedicated Networking Opportunities - A golf outing, receptions and meals, an Alltricity Scholarship Foundation silent auction, and networking breaks will provide valuable opportunities to connect with your industry peers.     

Exciting program details will be announced soon, and you can expect a solid lineup that will include keynotes, the popular CEO Panel, Alltricity Scholarship Foundation Auction and more. We look forward to seeing you there!


The deadline to book your discounted hotel room in Alltricity Network’s Block is Thursday, August 15th.

A special room rate of $299 is available at the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa. To reserve your room, click "Book a Room" to open the hotel's website with the Alltricity Network Fall Convention group rates and room availability. The Alltricity Network Fall Convention block dates are September 15th-18th.

The best way to book your room is online, but you can call 602-794-8600 and mention "Alltricity Network" or “RMEL.” You must mention you are making your reservation as part of the Alltricity Network/RMEL room block when calling the hotel. By not doing so, you may be incorrectly told that the hotel is full or quoted a different room rate. If the contracted room block is not met, Alltricity Network is financially liable for penalties. Government Employees: If you make your reservation at the federal government rate, please be sure to mention you are part of Alltricity Network/RMEL so you will be counted towards the room block.


We will continue to offer additional events in the months leading up to the 2024 Fall Convention in September. Please visit the Alltricity Network Events and Education Calendar webpage for the most up-to-date list of offerings, and reference the below Upcoming Event List in this newsletter to learn more and register. Our Education Committees, made up of Alltricity Network Members, strives to organize timely, important and thoughtful educational and networking events, and we are looking forward to a full year of these opportunities curated by our members, for our members. We hope to see you soon at an upcoming event!   


As always, please consider Alltricity Network a resource to you and your organization. Please share those development opportunities with your peers, workgroups and your professional network! Also, do not hesitate to reach out to us with topics or workshops you would deem beneficial to our industry. 

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Education and Upcoming Events

COMPLIMENTARY WEBINAR: Building Better Connections with Emotional Intelligence - June 13th, 2024 | 10:00-11:00 a.m. MDT (Virtual)

2024 Alltricity Scholarship Foundation Golf Tournament - June 25th, 2024 (Littleton, CO)

Transmission, Substation, Power Delivery Projects Conference - June 26th-27th, 2024 (Westminster, CO)

2024 Alltricity Network Fall Convention - September 16th-18th, 2024 (Austin, TX)

Burns & McDonnell
Meridian Cooperative
Alltricity Network Member Information
The association's trusted network is accessible on LinkedIn. Working side-by-side in a cooperative manner, Alltricity Network members band together for the common goal of bettering the industry and improving service for utility customers. For more than 120 years, these key principles have proven successful and, more importantly, are tried-and-true methods for building strong business relationships.
Alltricity Network Champions is a prestigious group of Alltricity Network supporters with access to useful and beneficial promotional opportunities. Thank you, 2024 Alltricity Network Champions!
Private LTE: Bridging the Data Gap in the Energy Transition
Black & Veatch Corporation®
Eager to use big data to improve operations and drive new business models, utilities are turning to AMI, sensors and intelligent devices.
But, with this technology comes big data to instantly gather, analyze and share across the enterprise, revealing a gap in the utility operation — the network. Download this ebook and explore lessons learned from real Black & Veatch LTE deployments.
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Industry Information
NERC identified seven areas facing an “elevated risk” of shortfalls due to rising demand, generator retirements and unplanned outages, drought and the potential for low wind performance. Those areas include portions of Texas, California, New England and the Midwest.
The tool is called Wind Plant Graph Neural Network (WPGNN), which was trained on simulations of more than 250,000 randomly generated wind plant layouts under various atmospheric conditions, plant designs and turbine operations.
Due to high barriers for newly built advanced nuclear reactors, offtake agreements with existing conventional reactors may be a more cost-effective choice for high-load customers seeking 24/7 clean power in the near term, a panel of Morgan Lewis experts said.
The study accounts for recent changes in the electricity system, including the continued growth of wind and solar to provide over 30% of total generation in some regions. It includes recent updates to health and climate impact research, provides a new quantitative analysis of uncertainty, and uses an approach that facilitates annual updates and replication in new regions. 
Futura Systems, Inc
FlexGen Power Systems, Inc.
The growth is being driven by increased computing power associated with artificial intelligence. AI queries “require approximately ten times the electricity of traditional internet searches and the generation of original music, photos, and videos requires much more,” EPRI said.
A primary goal is to reduce project risks associated with large nuclear builds. The White House announced the creation of a “Power Project Management and Delivery working group” made up of experts that would help identify opportunities to proactively mitigate sources of cost and schedule overrun risk.
The EIA forecasts that the natural gas consumed for electricity generation this summer in the United States will reach near the record set last year. Despite a 3% increase in overall U.S. electricity generation this summer, the EIA does not expect natural gas consumption for electricity generation to grow. Growth in electricity generation will be largely driven by increased renewable energy production.
Ransomware is “the foremost widespread cybersecurity threat impacting industrial organizations worldwide,” Abdulrahman Alamri, senior adversary hunter at Dragos, wrote in a blog post analyzing global cybersecurity incidents in the first quarter. But the electric sector was relatively unscathed, notching just a single incident, compared with more than 100 attacks on the manufacturing sector.
Nisus Corporation: Better Science for Better Poles.
Nisus Corp®
Nisus manufactures QNAP® Copper Naphthenate, the only heavy-duty pole protection without an EPA Danger label and with a proven track record, as seen in over 1000 years of cumulative field-test data. QNAP has cleaner handling characteristics, is not a sensitizer, and, because it is EPA-labelled for residential landscaping and boiler fuel at end of pole life, it has more end-of-life disposal options. Best of all, it’s made right here in the United States.

Learn More
Member Announcements
El Paso Electric (EPE) and Western Technical College (Western Tech) are pleased to announce a new partnership for the Lineworker Certification Program. Fourteen students were selected to receive a scholarship from EPE, marking the commencement of their transformative journey towards becoming talented lineworkers.
The collaboration will allow OPPD to access 600 megawatts (MW) of wind capacity from NextEra Energy Resource’s High Banks Wind Energy Center. The High Banks Wind Energy Center, which is owned and operated by a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, has been online since December of 2023 as a part of Google’s long-term clean energy portfolio. 
Basin Electric has been named one of the top 10 places to work in Bismarck and Mandan, Noth Dakota by the Young Professionals Network (YP Network). This marks the 11th time Basin Electric has received this award in 17 years. The YP Network is a not-for-profit organization of professionals, ages 21-40, that is dedicated to professional development, entrepreneurship, community service and networking. 
State officials, local leaders, stakeholders and landowners joined executives from NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and Nucor Corporation to celebrate breaking ground on Kentucky’s newest solar energy project – the Sebree Solar Energy Center. Sebree Solar, LLC, a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources, the world’s largest generator of renewable energy from the sun and wind, and a world leader in battery energy storage, will have a capacity of up to 250 megawatts of American-produced energy.
The American Public Gas Association (APGA) presented CPS Energy with the APGA System Operational Achievement Recognition (SOAR) for excellence in operating its natural gas utility. Out of approximately 750 APGA members, CPS Energy was selected for SOAR level bronze by its peers on the APGA Operations and Safety Committee. 
TEP continues to rank among the most reliable electric service providers in the nation, thanks to the safe, steady service our 447,000 customers have come to expect. Since 2012, we have consistently achieved top-quartile reliability scores when compared to other energy providers, based on the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI). 
White Paper
Coal phase-out is necessary to solve climate change, but can have negative impacts on workers and local communities dependent on coal for their livelihoods. Researchers have studied government plans for coal phase-out around the world and discovered that more than half of such plans include monetary compensation to affected parties.
Researchers are developing battery technologies to fight climate change in two ways, by expanding the use of renewable energy and capturing airborne carbon dioxide. Researchers recently created and tested two different formulations for batteries that store renewable energy; when the energy is later used, an electrochemical reaction converts industrial carbon dioxide emissions into a solid form that has the potential to be used in other products.
After spinning for under two years, a wind farm can offset the carbon emissions generated across its entire 30-year lifespan, when compared to thermal power plants.
A team of geologists analyzed 3,500 samples taken in and around coal mines in Utah and Colorado. Their findings open the possibility that these mines could see a secondary resource stream in the form of rare earth metals used in renewable energy and numerous other high-tech applications.