Alltricity Network eNews
Alltricity Network Report

From RMEL Executive Director Rick Putnicki

This has been an extremely busy time of year for the RMEL staff and Education Committees. I want to share with you a few of the items we are focusing on to better serve our membership. 

The countdown is on! We are excited to kick off the 2023 RMEL Fall Convention, which starts next week on Monday, September 11. As a service to the industry, the RMEL membership is celebrating 120 years of “Building the Network: Finding the Solutions to Tomorrow’s Challenges.” There’s still time for you to register, and we hope you’ll join us for a program focused on strategically addressing today's top concerns for electric utilities. Learn more about the event below!


September 11-13, 2023 at the brand-new Omni Hotel in Tempe, AZ

Register ONLINE by Friday, September 8 at 12:00 p.m. MDT. Register Now!

IN-PERSON registration opens on-site at the Omni Hotel in Tempe on Monday, September 11 at 2:00 p.m. MST.

This is your event! We look forward to hosting you and 250-plus of your electric utility industry executive peers. Here’s what you can expect at this year’s Fall Convention:

  • Elite Convention Speakers — RMEL has a phenomenal lineup of influential and thought-provoking industry-leader speakers to make this an effective and inspiring convention that you won't want to miss.
  • Meet Other Industry Leaders — C-Suite executives along with directors, managers and emerging professionals will all be there!
  • Build Your Professional Network — The networking opportunities have earned an exceptional reputation due to the decision-makers and thought leaders in attendance. RMEL is committed to providing a relaxed and productive forum for our members. The focus of the Fall Convention is on value, substance and making connections.
  • Dedicated Networking Opportunities — A golf outing, receptions and meals, an RMEL Foundation silent auction and networking breaks will provide valuable opportunities to connect with your industry peers.


You can expect a solid lineup that will include keynotes, the popular CEO Panel, RMEL Foundation Auction and more. We look forward to seeing you there!

Check out the Fall Convention Brochure to get all the details about the agenda, networking opportunities, session topics and descriptions, speakers and much more! 


RMEL welcomes two stellar keynote speakers. I am confident you will not be disappointed! 

Day 1 Keynote Speaker (Tuesday, September 12): Peter Zeihan, Geopolitical Strategist & Global Affairs Expert

With a lively nonpartisan approach backed by a decade in private intelligence, Zeihan shows the audience exactly why their world is changing fast — and how they can get ahead of it. Zeihan illustrates how geography redefines global power, how demographics doom the current trade order and how America’s energy revolution has fundamentally shifted global realities from Russia to Iran to China.

Day 2 Keynote Speaker (Wednesday, September 13): Vibhas Ratanjee, Subject-Matter Expert and Global Practice Leader for Leadership Development — Gallup

Vibhas specializes in organizational development, culture change, M&A integration and executive-level engagement strategies, including strengths-based leadership and succession management. Vibhas is also an executive coach and a leadership consultant to senior executives and CEOs. Vibhas is one of Gallup’s foremost practice leaders on leadership development and succession planning and has consulted with CEOs and boards globally. Prior to joining Gallup in 2000, Vibhas spent 6 years with various consulting and research companies working in the areas of employee engagement, leadership, customer experience and brand management.


Additionally, RMEL is pleased to invite an open discussion with the always popular CEO Panel, taking place on Wednesday, September 13 from 10:15-11:30 a.m. MST.

The power industry has transitioned to a new electric energy business model, and the changes are continuing. Electric utilities are leveraging existing technology to minimize costs and maximize operations while delivering solutions that are more aligned with changing customer expectations. This panel will focus on the diverse strategies CEOs are employing to usher their utilities into the new power industry frontier. The participants in this year’s CEO Panel include:

Barry Clegg, President, Black & Veatch Operations

Susan Gray, President & CEO, Tucson Electric Power/UNS Energy Corporation

Jeff Guldner, President & CEO, Pinnacle West Capital Corporation • CEO, Arizona Public Service

Jim Pratt, General Manager & CEO, Salt River Project


The deadline to book your discounted hotel room in RMEL’s block is Monday, August 21, 2023

The 2023 RMEL Fall Convention will take place at the brand-new Omni Hotel in Tempe, AZ. the deadline to book a hotel room in the RMEL discounted block of rooms has passed. However, if you still need a hotel room, please contact RMEL at or 303-865-5544 for options and assistance.


RMEL Foundation Auction — Tuesday, September 12, 2023 — 6:00-8:30 p.m. MST

Over the years, RMEL membership has been very committed to drawing and building talent for our industry. Since 2000, the RMEL Foundation, with support from the RMEL membership, has raised more than $1.3 million, awarded to students interested in pursuing a career in our industry. Many of those scholars are now working in your companies. You have an opportunity to continue that support by participating in the annual RMEL Foundation Auction, either through donating an auction item or making a small cash donation to become a Friend of RMEL (FoRMEL). The auction is held during the 2023 Fall Convention on Tuesday, September 12 and is a primary resource for the 501c3 charity to support the funding of scholarships for the next generation of electric energy industry professionals. We will use the same bidding app that we have used for the past couple of years. Your support is needed to continue the foundation's scholarship efforts. Even if you are unable to attend the Fall Convention, you can join the auction VIRTUALLY and bid on any donated items.To participate and bid virtually is easy, just follow the below steps:

  1. Access the RMEL Foundation Auction webpage.
  2. Click “Login/Register to Bid.”
  3. Click “Create Account” and follow the prompts to create a username and password, and enter your payment information on the secure Silent Auction Pro website. You'll have the option to enter your cellphone number to receive text message updates when you're outbid.
  4. Happy bidding! As soon as you're done signing up, click the link to view the auction items. When you find an item you like, you can click the green "Place a Bid" button, and/or you can click the blue "Watch an Item" button. The minimum bids and bid increments are prepopulated for you.

If you are unable to participate by donating an item or bidding on items during the 2023 RMEL Foundation Auction, monetary donations to support scholarships for the next generation of electric energy industry professionals is greatly appreciated!


Please visit the RMEL Events and Education Calendar webpage for the most up-to-date list of offerings, and reference the below Upcoming Event List in this newsletter to learn more and register. Our Education Committees, made up of RMEL members, strives to organize timely, important and thoughtful educational and networking events, and we are looking forward to a full year of these opportunities curated by our members, for our members. We hope to see you soon at an upcoming event!


RMEL Rebranding Initiative

These are extremely exciting times for our association! The RMEL Rebranding Initiative is moving forward at a fast but methodical pace. The board, with help from a variety of members, have identified opportunities for our association to change its brand without losing the values of what we have built around … providing education and networking for the electric energy industry. We will continue to move this forward and anticipate we will have more to share after the first of the year. Stay tuned! 

RMEL Dues Restructuring Initiative

As you make plans for your 2024 budget, I did want to share with you that the RMEL board and staff have begun to evaluate the RMEL dues structure. As we all have experienced the soaring inflation rates and rising cost of services in the hospitality industry, we have found ourselves needing to reevaluate our dues structure, which we can proudly state has not changed since 1995 (our last dues increase). The adjustment will reflect a way that best aligns with our changing industry and will include new package options that will make planning and budgetary processes easier for all members. Details of the restructure are being finalized now, but I can share that the top service supplier category dues rate will be $4,250 (previously $3,250). The Champions and Named Scholarship Programs will remain at the current pricing. The Utility Segment dues rate is currently determined by the megawatt hour sales multiplied by .0023. The new rate will be at .003, with a cap not to exceed $22,500 annually. 


As always, please consider RMEL a resource to you and your organization. Please share those development opportunities with your peers, workgroups and your professional network! Also, do not hesitate to reach out to us with topics or workshops you would deem beneficial to our industry. 

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Education and Upcoming Events

2023 RMEL FALL CONVENTION — September 11-13, 2023 (Phoenix, AZ). 

GROUNDING & ARC FLASH WORKSHOP — September 20-21, 2023 (Austin, TX).

ASSET MANAGEMENT & DATA CONFERENCE — October 12-13, 2023 (Omaha, NE).

Burns & McDonnell
Alltricity Network Member Information
RMEL's trusted network is now accessible on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. These are forums intended for RMEL members only. Working side-by-side in a cooperative manner, RMEL members band together for the common goal of bettering the industry and improving service for utility customers. For more than 100 years, these key principles have proven successful and, more importantly, are tried-and-true methods for building strong business relationships.
RMEL Champions is a prestigious group of RMEL supporters with access to useful and beneficial promotional opportunities. Thank you, 2023 RMEL Champions!
The game has changed from the traditional O&M model.
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Industry Information
Projects that have yet to secure interconnection approvals are no longer attracting bids, LevelTen Energy says. Demand for later-stage projects remains strong, but earlier and more speculative projects that have not yet secured interconnection approvals have seen limited interest from buyers, according to Patrick Worrall, Vice President for the Asset Marketplace.
There are five “significant evolving and interdependent risks” to grid reliability, and energy policy tops the list, the North American Electric Reliability Corp. said in a report. Rounding out the five risks are grid transformation, extreme events, security and critical infrastructure interdependencies. 
As the American power sector confronts a broader shift towards cleaner, more distributed forms of energy, as well as the movement towards an increasingly electrified transportation and building sector, experts are taking a closer look at ways to structure electric rates and make them more equitable.
The fossil fuel price crisis has accelerated the competitiveness of renewable power, according to a report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Around 86% (187 GW) of all the newly commissioned renewable capacity in 2022 had lower costs than fossil-fuel-fired electricity.
In the 12 months since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, companies have hurriedly launched a variety of manufacturing plans in pursuit of the law’s lucrative tax credits for U.S.-made components. States have eagerly courted these projects, offering companies tax incentives and collaborating on workforce development programs to support the growth of thousands of jobs.
The initiative, supported by Inflation Reduction Act and administered by DOE's Grid Deployment Office, is designed to not only overcome state and local challenges to expand transmission capacity but also support communities along major new and upgraded lines.
This guidance marks the end of the first phase of the Treasury Department’s implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act’s clean energy provisions. The Inflation Reduction Act’s prevailing wage and registered apprenticeship requirements apply to many of the clean energy deployment tax incentives under the law, including for the clean energy investment and production tax credits that help finance utility-scale wind, solar and battery storage projects as well as for the credits for carbon capture, utilization and storage and clean hydrogen projects. 
Evluma’s Low-Glare Roadway Luminaires
Evluma LED Lighting®
Evluma builds off a legacy of low-glare lighting with the release of RoadMax, a new family of roadway luminaires. For utilities and municipalities concerned with disability glare, meeting stringent roadway specifications, and achieving an efficient use of existing poles and roadway infrastructure, this is a game changing luminaire. The RX1 (small) 30-100W and the RX2 (med) 70-220W range 3,000-28,000 lumens. The RX3 is anticipated this winter.
Learn More about RoadMax
Member Announcements
CPS Energy has received the Gold Award for Serving Vulnerable Customers and the Silver Communications Award for their communications efforts in the development of their color-coded energy conservation system in Chartwell’s 20th Annual Best Practice Awards. 
This is the fifth and largest competitive transmission project that the SPP has released to date and the third competitive project that NextEra Energy Transmission Southwest has been awarded by SPP. The project emerged from SPP's integrated transmission planning process during which SPP assesses the future transmission needs of its grid to develop transmission solutions that provide reliable and economic delivery of energy and maximize the benefits to customers.
New and expanding commercial and industrial customers are contributing to that increased demand, as well as the addition of new homes and businesses within our service territory. The increased electrification of the goods and services our customers use on a regular basis is also a contributing factor.
The 200-megawatt solar project is at the site of the decommissioned Escalante Station, a 253-megawatt coal-powered plant that Tri-State closed in 2020. Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association has entered into a power purchase agreement for the output of generation from the Escalante Solar Project.
The 5-megawatt (MW), 10-hour-duration project, named Desert Blume, will use CMBlu’s unique non-lithium technology, and the firm will build, own and operate the batteries on behalf of SRP at their Copper Crossing Energy and Research Center in Florence, Arizona. SRP is the first U.S. electric utility to implement CMBlu’s batteries at this scale.
White Paper
Efficient and cheap batteries that can also capture harmful emissions could be right around the corner, thanks to a new system that speeds up the development of catalysts for lithium-CO2 (Li-CO2) batteries.
Carbon slurries, which consist of a suspension of carbon particles in a solvent, are used to mass-produce battery electrodes. However, there are no adequate methods to evaluate whether the particles are uniformly dispersed in the slurry during the manufacturing process. In a recent study, researchers used an innovative approach, combining viscosity and electrochemical impedance measurements, to accurately assess the dispersibility of slurries, opening doors to enhanced electric vehicles and fuel cell batteries.
Methylcyclohexane is very promising as a hydrogen carrier that can safely and efficiently transport and store hydrogen. However, the dehydrogenation process using catalysts has issues due to its durability and large energy loss. Recently, researchers have succeeded in using solid oxide fuel cells to generate electricity directly from methylcyclohexane and recover toluene for reuse. This research is expected to not only reduce energy requirements but also explore new chemical synthesis by fuel cells.